Jan 02, 2008 19:11
Hey - wait, is that my shirt?
What shirt?
The shirt you are wearing right now.
This one?
Stop being a jackass.
Yes, this is your shirt.
Well, it's about 5 sizes too small for you.
Yeah, it was really hard to put on.
Why... I mean, just... just take it off.
Woah, coming on a little strong aren't you?
Take off my shirt!
Not my shirt on me, my shirt on you! The shirt you are... Stop! Get off me! Your shirt! The one you're wearing!
So it's my shirt now?
Listen, stop. Get off me. That shirt is wrapped around you tighter than plastic wrap. Nothing exists between your flesh and my shirt.
I look good though.
Your gut is hanging out underneath it. I'm getting a little nauseous looking at it.
I really like the design, though.
You are not now, nor have you ever been Daddy's Little Princess. Take it off before I get the camera.
Get it, we can do a photoshoot.
Off! Off! Take it off! What's wrong with you?!
I would, but I'm stuck.
You're stuck? How'd you get it on?
I don't know. I'm stuck now, though.
Here, bend over, stop it, just bend over.
Hey! My arms, you're gonna dislocate my shoulders, stop, just get the scissors!
*unintelligible grunting*
Stop being such a baby!
Jesus Christ! My arms! I can't feel my arms!
Maybe you shouldn't put on tiny shirts! Maybe you should stop being such a tremendous ass all the freaking time!
Maybe you shouldn't be so mean.
Ow! Ow! Shit! Stop! Ow!
*heavy breathing*
I'll get the scissors.
Thank you.