My second chapbook is now available from Little Poem Press:
I am truly excited about this new collection. It is a combination of fragments and formal poems that work together to form an introspective journey, and you are taken along for the ride.
Fellow Twin Cities poet, Alex Stolis, says:
“I found Gause’s chapbook to be narrative poetry at its best - surprising, innovative and inspired. Like being invited into someone's vision.”
Larry Winfield, LA podcaster says this:
“…there's not a bad poem in the bunch.”
So please
1. Check out this chapbook at
2. Give me a plug on your own Livejournal page.
3. Buy a copy in either electronic format or print, and help support a struggling writer share his work and vision with the world outside his walls.
4. Make sure and return to the Lulu site and leave your comments!
Chapbookers have to work like crazy to sell copies these days. Let's topple the statistics and help me sell a ridiculous number of these things. Karma will thank you, and so will I. Thank you.