haha oh

Nov 25, 2011 10:56

The books were from my brother, who called last night like >_> and then asked me what Gunnerkrigg Court was. He also told me he's seen job postings in Dallas for librarian managers starting at like 40,000+ whaaaaat brb reconsidering journalism. No just kidding I'm never moving to fucking Texas.

I gave Queerly a bit of my sister's homemade apple pie and she scarfed it up.

Also, am rereading this Birthday Book of Saints book, which is sometimes subtly and sometimes outright irreverent. For one saint, they said she was blind and that she was determined to join an order because she knew St. Jerome would cure her blindness! And on the day she joined, St. Jerome answered her prayers! The answer was no.

For March 25: "The Feast of the Annunciation: the Virgin Mary as Patron of news dealers, ribbon makers. Today is Lady Day, when Mary of Nazareth was visited by the Angel Gabriel and agreed to an offer she couldn't refuse from the Godfather of them all, God the Father. (It is exactly nine months until Christmas.)"

They also take care to mention in Brigid and Walpurga's entries (and probably others, I haven't reread it all) that there were totally coincidentally deities of that name already in that area. St. Patrick's entry was like "okay, he wasn't Irish. And his first name wasn't Patrick. And there were no snakes in Ireland anyway. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE IS TOTALLY TRUE!!!!"
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