"We'll be miles apart, I'll keep you deep inside. You're always in my heart."

Jun 24, 2004 01:09

School's out!!! haha yesssss Anyway, my week has been going pretty well so far... On Monday night Laura and I got together and played tennis for a few hours. She leaves for Wheels on Sunday... hopefully we'll overlap on the West Coast or something. Her and Julie are on the same bus. I hope they have an amazing summer.
On Tuesday, Sara came over around three-ish. We broke in my new boots by walking around the 'hood for an hour and screaming at certain people as they drove by on their lawnmowers *cough*kyle*cough* Mike said he and Kyle were going to come get us sometime between seven and nine, so we waited for them by the pool blasting our Emo music and being hot. They never came because they decided to be cool and call my cell phone which I brilliantly left in my room. So then me and Sara went inside and hung out some more and she helped me pack for my trip. --"Hey Sara, do you mind if I smoke?"... "No, I don't like cigarettes."... "No, silly! I meant a ham!" haha SNORT-- And then Sara and I hung out some more and stayed up till 4-ish talking about Rosmarins and such. She's so lucky... She gets to see the crew in like four days. Sara left me around one today to go to the Palisades Mall. What a lucky hoe. =o)
After Sara left, I hung out by the pool for a couple hours and then met up with the fellas at Kyle's house. They decided it would be cool to hike to this pond, so I got dragged along and scraped up my legs. I love it when that happens. Just kidding. Then we hung out and watched Kyle drive golf balls at Yoshi's house and at random gardening people. I love watching hot boys golf for three hours. (You wish. haha) Pretty fun day... I love those boys. =o)

Ky RoM454: im gonna be a porn star
--Real cute, Kyle. Except you're too ugly to be a porn star. Try working at the zoo? =o) <3

Scroll down to the previous entry for my summa' addresses and such.

"If I could tell you one thing,
Then I'd tell you everything,
I'd probably say that you've been on my mind
Since we sat underneath the stars
As I held you in my arms
Killing just another summer night...
And now I think that you should know
That you've got everything
That I've wanted for so damn long.
And that I wouldn't hesitate to trade away everything
If you tell me that I'm not wrong.
So now I think that you should know that I've been waiting for you."

First day of Rosmarins: five days
Julie and Laura leave: four days
Jess leaves: nine days
I leave: seven days
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