(no subject)

Dec 16, 2001 23:36

whoop, you love the surveys. stolen from pezking22

- last book you read: sybil
- last movie you saw: blue velvet
- last movie you saw on the big screen: harry potter stylee
- last phone number you called: 738-7113
- last show you watched on TV: cheaters
- last song you heard: slightly stooopid in the hizouse
- last thing you had to drink: diet pepsi
- last thing you ate: sammich
- Last Time you showered: 30 mins ago
- last time you cried: daily basis, i'm fucked up yo.
- last time you smiled: all the time..hm, manic? prolly.
- last time you laughed: always
- last person you hugged: my mommy
- last person you kissed: mikey!
- last thing you said: 'hi brother!'
- last person you talked to online: xxsammyxx...wuv yoo gurl!
- last person you talked to on the phone: michael
- last thing you smelled: shampoo?

Do you...
- smoke? nah
- do drugs? uhm. not anymore.
- drink? sometimes.
- have sex? perhaps
- sleep with stuffed animals? does mike count?
- have a crush? whee
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes indeedy
- have a dream that keeps coming back? several
- play an instrument? kazoo? oh and the piano sorta
- believe there is life on other planets? sure
- read the newspaper? yes
- have any gay or lesbian friends? many
- believe in miracles? eh
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yeah
- consider yourself tolerant of others? to an extent
- consider police a friend or foe? depends on what i'm doing
- like the taste of alcohol? i like the taste of girly alcoholic drinks..
- have a favourite Stooge? no.
- believe in astrology? i dunno
- believe in magic? magick? sure
- pray? yes
- go to church? no
- have any secrets? naturally
- have any pets? watty wats!
- go to or plan to go to college? yes
- have a degree? no
- talk to strangers who instant message you? hm, yeah..weirdo moc kids
- wear hats? no
- have any piercings? tounge, ears, eyebrow
- have any tattoos? yes
- hate yourself? pretty much
- have a "hot spot"? uhm.
- wish on stars? nope
- like your handwriting? sometimes, it changes
- have any bad habits? nail biting?
- believe in witches? yes
- believe in Satan? i dunno
- believe in ghosts? sometimes
- believe in Santa? nopers
- believe in the Easter Bunny? nope
- believe in the Tooth Fairy? no
- have a second family? i have many families
- trust others easily? nooooo
- like sarcasm? what's that?
- take walks in the rain? yup ♥ the rain
- kiss with your eyes closed? usually
- sing in the shower? noope


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