Nov 21, 2001 21:03
bah, work sucked today. it was a madhouse all day and i was the only person working. dayna no likey. oh well..the schedule was changed and i have tomorrow off, so thats pretty cool.
we own hot date now..yay! it seems pretty cool, i only played it for a lil bit, but it was entertaining. love me some sims. mike also bought return to castle wolfenstein..and for only 60 bucks! jeeeeeez.
our phone was broken yesterday for some odd reason, and we've been wanting an excuse to get a new one for awhile, so we went to target and bought a cute phone last night. it's blue and white..cute styles.
we ate ate fridays tonight and ran into andy + family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY. his mommy is a funny lady.
i've been super worn out the past few days because i've been sick. all i want to do is sleeeeep. and on that note..bedtime!