I *heart*
The Discovery Channel. For reals, yo. Entertainment for all ages.
I guess I'm feeling a little better. Not good enough to actually get dressed and leave the house or anything, but at least I'm not puking anymore. Puking is not high on my list of things I enjoy doing. I figured out what made me sick..this macaroni salad stuff..it's all I ate yesterday, and no one else in my family ate it..so yeah..fuck vons macaroni salad. Fuck it right in the ear.
Pretty sure I did well on my psych final. It wasn't too hard..even though my brain wasn't there today. I emailed my film teacher and asked her if I could just email her a film review or something, so I didn't have to go to class tonight..and now..I'M DONE WITH SCHOOOOOOL..'til August, anyhow. Yay. Now I need a jOb.
Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara keeps calling me..I need to finish my application. I know I will get in and all, but I don't know if my parents would be willing to pay the tuition...rawr. That school would be rad to go to. And I'd get out of hell. And I'd be supa close to Maia. And I'd be waywayway closer to Sara. It's prolly not gonna happen, but it would be nice.