Date you joined? January 30th, 2001
Number of journal entries? 1,095
Number of people on your friends list? 94
Person that introduced you to LJ? I don't think anyone. I randomly found it somehow.
Still friends with this person? --
How many people have you introduced to Live Journal? Many.
List everyone on your friends list you have met in person: baconbitch, boboqueen, bryanfalls, darkjunglediva, divineterror, djdelusion, dookiebooty, dreeew, firestorm, flaminhottlayz, i_do_the_jerk, jacksparrow13, kellan23, kwijibomonkey (sort of!), limbsoup, loveandtrash, maiathebee, myliobatis, nailbomb, nat_tat_tat, pezking22, phild0g, roookas420, sickened_thirst, slowcrxdriver, speak_in_vowels, starkewpie, strongwilled, summerwindsd, torifaye, westsideboila, worksux, xxshannonxx, yepitzsteph.
Anyone on LJ you can't stand? No one on my friend's list, anyhow.
Name one person on your friends list you would most like to meet? Oh, there are too many to name one!
Last person you added? Uhm..
ericalove, again.
Ever banned someone from commenting in your journal? No.
Comments Posted: 5,839 - Received: 6,094
Biggest pet peeve about LJ: When it lags.
Do you feel close to most of the people on your friends list? A lot of them, yes. There are some I'd like to get to know better.
How many journals (on LiveJournal) do you have? A bunch. This is the only one I use, though.