i'm not in the best mood tonight for no particular reason. it's hot and icky and i feel fat and gross. and my navel piercing is infected and gross. it was doing so well, too. blast it!
firestorm is at class and i'm bored and lonely. i have a blasted headache. whine whine whine.
at least american idol and the real world are on tonight. score. i'm recording them and waiting until mike gets home to watch them with me. i'm nice like that. i'm not reading my friends page until after i watch, so there aren't any spoilers. oh, i'm pathetic. gotta love it!
mike brought me leftover food from panda express today. oh lord, it was good. i've been craving orange chicken for awhile. nummmmerific. now the neighbors are bbq'ing (as usual) and i'm hungry again. fatty mcdayna.
we're going to la this weekend. i'm excited for that. i get to see
xxsammyxx..i miss her and haven't seen her in far too long. whee, it'll be fun.
i'm going to make something. peaceout, ya'll.