Another survey..

Apr 08, 2001 16:58

1. What time is it? 4:58pm
2. Name on your Birth Certificate? Dayna Elizabeth Day
3. Nicknames? Daynerd, Burger, Stardust
4. Parents names? Dennis and Betsy..stepdad-Cliff stepmom-Lala
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last b-day cake? 19
6. Date that you regularly blow them out? 5-5-81
7. Pets? 5 dogs, 3 cats
8. Height? 5'5-5'6
9. Eye color? hazel..brownish-green
10. Hair color? Blondish brownish
11. Piercing? Ears, eyebrow, tongue, took navel out.
12. Tattoo? Shooting stars on my hip.
13. How much do you love your job? Its boring, but I don't have to do anything.
14. Birth place? Blythe, Ca
15. Hometown? Holtville, Ca..hell
16. Current residence? Holtville
17. Been in love before? Yes
18. Been to Europe? nope
19. Been toilet papering? yes
20. Been toilet papered? yep
21. Loved somebody so much that it made you cry? yes
22. Been in car crash? Just minor fender benders
23. Croutons or bacon bits? Both
24. 2 doors or 4 doors? 4
25. Coffee or Ice cream? Ice Cream
26. Blanket or stuffed animal? Blanket
27. Dumper or dumpee? I'm usually the dumper..but I've been both.
28. Favorite salad dressing? Italian or ceasar
29. Color of socks? White ankle-type ones
30. Lucky #: 5
31. Favorite place to be vacation? Anywhere but here.
32. Favorite movie? What Dreams May Come, Empire Records, The Virgin Suicides, American Beauty..lots more..
33. Favorite quote from a movie? Anything from Empire Records.
34. Favorite holiday? Christmas
35. Favorite foods? Italian..messican..
36. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
37. Favorite song at the moment? Dunno...I've been listening to a lot of Incubus.
38. Favorite TV show? Ehh..lots of shows..I watch an insane amount of tv..
39. Favorite Toothpaste? Glittery Gel kind
40. Fav. restaurant? Grassos in El Centro..Cheescake Factory basically rawks, too.
41. Fav. Flower? Gerber daisies.
42. Least favorite thing? People in general at the moment.
43. Fav sport to watch? Ehh. Rock and Jock stuff is cool..haha..I don't watch sports, really.
44. Fast food restaurant? Jack in the Krack, fosho
45. When was your last hospital visit? A few years ago, athsma shiznit.
46. Favorite drink? Alcoholic: Anything fruity, or containing tequila. Non: Dr. Pepper or water.
47. What is the color of carpet in your bedroom? Grey-ish white.
48. How many times did you fail your permit and/or drivers license? once or twice, never failed the driving test.
49. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I honestly couldn't tell you.
50. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this one? Carlos Valle.
51. Ever been convicted of a crime? No.
52. Which store would you choose to max-out you credit card? Hrmm...I dunno..I love shopping..
53. What do you do most often when you are bored? Go
54. What words or phrases do you overuse? Ghetto..werd..any string of expletives.
55. Friend who lives farthest away? Most of my friends live far away..but I guess, Sara P.
56. Most annoying thing? People.
57. Bedtime? Whenever. Usually around 12..but I haven't been able to sleep lately.
58. Best thing? Happiness.
59. Who will respond to this survey quickest? one, prolly.
60. Who is least likely to respond? Uh..most people!
61. K-mart or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart...but Target owns!
62. Briefs or boxers? Boxers.
63. Person you admire most? No one, really.
64. Person you can't stand the most? hrmm...
65. Backstreet Boys or N'Sync? *Nsync fosheez.
66. Christina Aguilara or Britney Spears? Britney by far.
67. Favorite vee-jay? I don't really watch mtv that much.
68. Favorite fruit? I love most fruit. Hmm..Watermelon, maybe. Or peaches.
69. Favorite veggie? Hmm..carrots, I suppose.
70. What's the ideal man/woman? A lot more than I can write here.
71. Dream date? Just doing anything with someone I truly care about
72. Favorite color? Blues. And bright colors.
73. Favorite game in an arcade? Uh, none. Pool? There are pool tables in arcades..YEAH!
74. Favorite magazine? Ehh..none in particular. I buy all of those damn girl magazines when I'm bored.
75. Gore or Bush? Gore.
76. Do you watch wrestling? No, no I do not. And I never will.
77. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Yes..a boyfriend, Mark. He rules.
78. Celebrity you'd want to wed in holy matrimony? Hmmm..HMM. Good question.
79. Celebrity you want to be friends with? drew barrymore, gwen stefani, angelina jolie
80. Celebrity you'd like to have a one-night stand with? mark mcgrath *yummmmmmmy*
81. Favorite type of music? I like so many different types of music.
82. Favorite book? Hmm...Current favorites would be anything by David Sedaris.
83. Is this getting old? No, I'm bored.
84. Is your belly button an innie or an outie? Innie.
85. What time is it right now? 6:13pm. I took a break, haha.


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