Here’s how glare shows up for me with my contacts in. I’m about half as bad as this, and I don’t have the double vision, but this is pretty close.
Here’s an example of the haloing I get with lights. It’s not a good picture, since I’d also be getting halos around /all/ of those other lights in the picture, as well as anything that reflects light, like the signs.
Here’s another - I get this if I’m wearing glasses. On average, it’s probably about half that in my right eye and a quarter that in my left with contacts.
And this is how I see normally with my contacts.
Normal Folks Left and right eye when the contacts are aligned properly, which is ~60-70% of the time for my left eye and ~ 40-60% of the time for my right. I can actually get slightly better than this if I wear the other set of contacts, but after 3 hrs of those, my eyes are hurting too much to keep them in.
Left eye, remainder of the time: Right eye, remainder of the time: Amusingly, looking at these pictures is horribly aggravating. I keep thinking that my contacts are out of alignment. ^_^