This week I've taken most of the final steps towards removing myself completely from the Three Kingdoms (a MUD for those who don't know what it is). For those of you curious about my reasons, they can be found here......
Re: Sandy Claws
August 4 2004, 04:18:27 UTC
Hey all, I just wanted to add my two cents. As a wizard I was very excited to be a coder and part of the game administration. I took pride in the fact that I had played for so many years and was able to give something back to 3k. In total, I coded seven areas, and was a rather active wizard. As far as the cheating goes, I admit that as a very young player I did abuse some bugs. Eventually I either reported the bugs or was punished for using some. As a wizard, I was never involved in any cheating activities. I was proud of the fact that I was a wizard and never would have jepordized that for anything. Unfortunately, my choice of friends has not always been great. About 5 ears ago, I was removed from being a wizard because some of my friends had been doing cheating. I was not involved in any of their activites, nor was I aware of it. I was not given any opportunity to defend myself.. poof. In any case, due to my association my wizard character Distortion was deleted. I say again, I was never involved in any cheating activities as a wizard and I was proud to serve as a coder. The only reason I am responding to this is because rastafan mentioned my name in a list of 'cheating bastard' wizards. I am saddended that he views me in this way, and I want to set the record straight. Distortion was an honorable wizard and served 3k well, and honestly.
I still love 3k and respect the admins, I just hope that my name can be exhonerated.
Re: Sandy Claws
August 4 2004, 04:34:02 UTC
As an append to my last post. The exact reason I was wiped as a wizard is because Seiger (wargod) was patching my friend gxp. Everyone associated with Seiger (this included me) was removed. That is why Distortion the wizard char was removed. The second time I was deleted was as hibba a mid to high level fremen. At one point they believed that I and Siv were the same person, but we are best friends in real life. Siv was getting patched xp/gold with the help of Circe/Razic and Wargod/Seiger. They somehow had a wizard character and were creating a wizard tool that let them modify a monster. I was deleted because, firstly that I was part of the crew. Secondly they believed I had received a few million coins illegally, but that turned out to be false. The ending reason I was deleted as hibba was, when everything when down I denied knowing anything about their cheating. I lied to the admin and was deleted. In retrospect, that was a very bad decision, and I can understand that I did infact lie to the admin. So again, the reason my wizard character was deleted was only due to my friendship with Wargod/Seiger, not due to any of my activities whatsoever. My Player character fremen being wiped was legit. I've said my peace :)
I still love 3k and respect the admins, I just hope that my name can be exhonerated.
-Scott (Distortion)
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