Just for the record, my blood pressure at approximately 6pm today was 98/58. Hypo-tension represent! Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that stupid machine actually bruised my elbow. Do not ask me how- only witness my blossoming contusion and send forth "there-there"s.
Also, I went skating for the first time since coming down here. It filled me with peace, and happiness. And reminded me of just how much I love
hoppergrass, and of how fucking lucky I am that anyone should love me as much as she does.
In other news, I am still "on vacation", but I expect that to end soon as I have officially reached the point where I am sucking it the fuck up and applying at The Competition. Tomorrow. So we shall see. Toi toi toi, and all that. Of course, who knows- there may be a last-minute intervention by one of Paladin's coworkers, with whom I networked. Hmmm...
Furthermore, I am in the possession of three house keys, none of which are to an apartment of my own. I find this amusing, and also colorful, as two of the three keys are all customizey. Which is totally a word.
Finally, I am so in love with The Office. Yes I am.
That is all.