Jan 11, 2005 18:35
I couldn't update yesterday because I was just to busy. It was my 26th birthday & I spent the day with family & friends. That's what a birthday is all about as far as I'm concerned. Of course, the pressies are good too. *grin* My boyfriend & I went out for a meal in the evening. Very romantic. Let's just say I'm a little sleep deprived now. *sigh* What a night... & morning!
Today has been a bit of a blur. My Gran is waiting on a gall bladder operation (God knows how long for, that's the NHS for you), & has suffered another attack. She's been given pethodine for the pain but should, hopefully, be up & about again tomorrow.
It still feels like Christmas in here yet because I haven't taken the tree & many decorations down yet. It's been a bit of a tradition since I was a kid that it stays up until after my birthday. :)