Prep for Forty Days and Forty Nights Project

Jan 07, 2009 11:24

One Christmas gift from my sister - Forty Days and Forty Nights book - complete with journaling, encouragement, and writings. I will take upon this project. For now, I feel the need to prepare for it. I'll write more later.


I read the preface to the book. Essentially, it is a 40-day consecutive course on self-discovery. Having selected my method - NO INTERNET for 40 consecutive days - I will have to prepare for this, considering that I have some tasks that need some Internet use. Therefore, best to get those done before I start - even though - incidentally, I already started on this project just by opening the book.

At the same time, I don't want to be "screwed" during this process (for example, setting up next Spring's class schedule). On that note, the start of the semester will be a perfect time to start this project. Also, items in my Year List is still applicable; not only is it a set of "goals", it is also a list of things that I want to do. As for the short list, it feels as if I'm not doing a good enough job on those. So, gotta work out some kinks here.

Anyways, what needs to be prepared for this:
  1. Class schedule.
  2. Choose a time to start (2009-02-01)
  3. Download some 80's Music.
  4. Assess my Year List. See if I can complete some Internet based items before or after this.
  5. Go from there.
What's my Intention with is Project? Absolutely Nothing. To put an Intention, I may as well put an Expectation.


Time start: Feb 01, 2009

I figured, this will be a great time to start. I'll get to enjoy the remainder of the month and getting some things done prior to it. If I don't get certain things done by then, well, they'll just have to wait.
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