Yup. I'm discarding these "
Fundamental Rules". I don't need them anymore; and the striking of this list should have been done months ago. Where did this title "Fundamental Rule" comes from? Well, from Calculus. Citing the
First and Second Fundamental Rules of Calculus. LOL, yea. I know - I'm such a dork.
Thinking about how I can adapt these "rules" to Scripture - the easiest way to go about that is... refer to Scripture itself. Duh! Given the amount of material the Word of God teaches, I have to wonder if this journal is sufficient enough to document them. I could blog the sermons each week; but that can be done elsewhere. I haven't started doing so; and it'll be a large project in of itself. For now, it's just something to think about.
Nevertheless, for something like the
first one - which is geared towards Living - my cancellation of it doesn't mean that it's OK to go ahead and kill myself or risk my own life. That's hardly the case. A rule against that kind of act already exists anyways - placing value on Life as God's Gift.
So, out of simplicity, I can cite the basics to being a believer as a start. Per the Large Catechism, it is recommended to learn and relearn the Catechism as if we were children. To be a Christian, one must live it. The rest of the morals come naturally under God's guidance. It just takes a matter of practice and repetition. On top of that, regular study and reading. While doing this, I actually find myself forgetting my own rules and "adapting" to "new" ones. Therefore, the rules that I have written for myself -- are flat out obsolete; OR they're in effect under Christian terms. Besides, I can take comfort in the rules set by God - for my own and everyone else's benefit (whether we like them or not).
Needless to say, this will make things a lot easier as far as setting some ground rules; they're set already. Just need to learn more of what they are.