Simultaneously, I am these two things:
1. I am a Special Person.
2. I am a Horrid Individual.
It is these two properties that make me Kyuu an dall the other "
personas" associated. This aligns with one very important lesson and point acquired from reading about "Predestination":
1. Through Faith, God chose us.
2. Yet, we may fall out of Faith.
While, God chose us in Faith, it is we who bear responsibility for fallig - if - we do fall.
Anyways, within me, these two major parts are operating. I remember years ago the notion of a "war" within me. The combination of these two is what I am; and it is how I have been and will be for as long as I am alive. As long as my alignment to the Word remains, my Horrid self cannot take me down.
Likewise, I am both:
1. Intelligent.
2. Retarded.
Both at the same time.
I attest that acknowledgement of the good and bad parts can bring about peace. Often do I find myself unstable or unhappy upon failure to acknowledge this. Despite the forgetfulness, by Grace, I am brought back to the lessons. Per described under "Conversion", this phenomenon occurs: The Holy Spirit works within conflict with the Sinful nature. This is exactly what is happening.