Upon rewatching "The Stolen Earth" again last night (after my Life On Mars interlude) - ALSO, YEAH, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW - uh.
...I think Donna might have two heartbeats.
I listened to it - uh. A couple of times? And like, so normally you think of your heartbeat as a series of two beats and then a slight pause: lub-dub lub-dub lup-dub, etc. But DONNA'S HEARTBEAT? Donna's heartbeat WAS A SERIES OF REGULAR AND NON-PAUSING BEATS: dub dub dub dub dub dub.
And that's when I realized that we've never ACTUALLY heard what the Doctor's two heartbeats beating in time SOUNDS like. Before you say, "But... 'The Christmas Invasion'! But... Jenny!" you have to remember that both of those were heard individually. And it MAKES SENSE that the two hearts would complement one another when they beat - lub for the other's dub, so to speak.
Another really fascinating thing that I can't totally take credit for because it was inspired by something I read it in the comments section of a post at io9?
Tempus fugit, while also an episode of The X-Files, means basically "time flies" in Latin.
AND DONNA NOBLE GOES AROUND TELLING PEOPLE, "OH I'M JUST A TEMP." Not, oh I'm just a secretary. No, I'm just a temp. SUPER TEMP(US FUGIT).
Reaching? Probably.
edit 2:
grenadine and I
would like to show you our crazy crack-addled theory-baby.
All right, it's official. I SERIOUSLY NEED TO STEP AWAY FROM THE DOCTOR WHO UNTIL SATURDAY. This post proves that I have literally gone insane.