spilled kefir on your keffiyeh

May 29, 2008 10:05

+ So! Who's got two thumbs, speaks limited Ancient Greek, and is also not a secret jihadist?

It's a bold fashion choice, I know. But what can I say: it was 8am, and I was otherwise distracted by a morning dance routine featuring ST-ST-ST-ST-ST-STUTTERIN and OUTTA MY OUTTA MY HEAD (two of the many selections on my iPod's World's Most Embarrassing playlist).

+ Awesomeness Discovery: Wawa makes a turkey sausage and egg whites breakfast sandwich. \o/ WAWA and \o/ TO ME for thinking this somewhat constitutes "healthier eating habits."

+ I am so glad that I elected to stay up way past my bedtime again last night watching Spooks, and I dare say that it was all because the trailer at the end of 4x04 implied IMMINENT DANGER TO RUTH and HARRY DOING THINGS THAT HE SHOULDN'T BUT THERE'S NO OTHER WAY - and clearly, though this never actually panned out the way the trailer implied that it would (does it ever?), it was awesome just for the scene where Ruth wants Harry to be absolutely sure that she's not inviting him over to her house late at night to have sex. Thanks, Ruth.

+ I had a dream that I was having drinks with Kate Moss and Kanye West. CLEARLY, I need to now strive to make this my new life goal. (Also, piecesofalice, you are def. on to something.)
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