when you could still smoke places, too

May 23, 2008 15:08

Sometimes, I would like to believe in the existence of a higher power. FOR THE MOST RIDICULOUS OF REASONS.

This morning, after realizing I had no reason to go into work this morning (we're only open half-day on account of the holiday weekend), I made myself some coffee and finally - finally! - set myself to the task of writing this quasi-Jack McCoy and Mike/Connie Law & Order THING* that's been rattling around in my brain for a while. (Confession: I think Jack McCoy is my favorite thing on television.) So I've been writing for, oh, several hours now.

TNT's episode at 2pm? "Under the Influence." Which is, like... REALLY? Can I have this kind of luck? Especially since I was currently working through a section dealing with the rage and the guilt and the drunkness that fuels Jack in "Under the Influence."

TNT's episode at 3pm? "Seed," which is basically this episode that I've been obsessing over for weeks because I haven't seen it in AGES. "Strike," the episode in which THE MIKE AND CONNIE SHOW go on opposite sides of the aisle?The whole Chinese wall/legal tap-dancing that Jack and Claire have to endure in this episode is what that reminds me of. (Also, because I love them when they're relieved that they can talk about their case together again. Jack and Claire get off on talking about work!)

Plus, Season 5 was in 1995, and Chris Noth was VERY, VERY, VERY NICE TO LOOK AT in 1995. Plus, when he's defending a woman's right to have a kid even when she's in her 40s? HELLO MIKE LOGAN, HOW MUCH DO I LOVE YOU RIGHT NOW.

* Oh, yeah. THAT'S RIGHT. So then ONE PERSON can read it.

law & order

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