liv and el are amazing.

Apr 24, 2007 22:58

From wildtiger7: Comment, and I will choose three of your userpics and you will have to explain them in a post asking the same of your flisters. Also, feel free to choose three more of my icons and ask me to explain them.

I had to explain these:

My go-to city living, coffee drinking, on the go, I-am-trying-to-be-fabulous icon. The base pic is random -- I'm 90% it's from Getty -- and I did some hip coloring. I'm fairly sure that I found it because I did a search for those classic Greek deli coffee cups.

The Andy Warhol cover art of the '67 Velvet Underground & Nico album! Hands down one of my favorite 40-odd minutes of music. I iconized it because it's musical and irreverant.

Interestingly related: Edie Sedgwick! Andy Warhol's muse! I think I have a Warhol thing. But anyway -- terrible Sienna Miller movie aside, I love Edie to death. She is so fucking awesome. The hair and the cigarette and-- gah. Too bad about that heroin thing.
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