i need a better life

Jan 25, 2007 15:59

Two special kinds of (awesomly wonderful) evil:

1. Target, with its bright lights and its shiny, attractive red sale signs. One hour and $70 later, I left with a pair of shoes, sunglasses, like four shirts, a pack of men's v-necks, and dish gloves. The latter being the one reason I went there in the first place. Dish gloves! The most important part of a girl's wardrobe.

(I bought awesomely cute spring shoes out of protest to it being, like, twenty degrees outside. Think it will work?!)

2. Spotlight for Mac OS X, because it lets me be lazy. I used to keep about a dozen programs in my dock -- ordered by probability for use, of course -- but lately I've been culling it smaller and smaller, to the point where I've only got six (iCal, Safari, iChat, iTunes, iPhoto, and Word). The rest, I just search for them in Spotlight, because that's obviously so much better than (gasp!) ctrl-clicking the Applications folder that's down there, too. OBVS!

edit: It just occured to me that I never replaced the grey Converses that I outgrew at the beginning of college. It never really bothered me before, but NOW THAT I KNOW I FEEL LIKE THERE IS A GAPING HOLE IN MY SOUL. Ouch!
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