Oct 07, 2006 18:35

All right, in all seriousness, this is the last of my Office spam. (Yeah, I don't really understand it either, considering how little I've used LJ in the past week?)

SO Jenna Fischer writes an article/list ("listicle" is what Gawker called it, but that... just, no) for Esquire: "10 Things You Don't Know About Women." Someone had the bright idea to pass it around the cast of The Office and have people read each item aloud. YES, EVEN JOHN KRASINSKI AND STEVE CARRELL. AND RAINN WILSON. Aaaaand it's on YouTube.

Sadly, it's not a Michael Scott Joint, but it is produced by Great Scott.

eta: I can't believe I actually let myself type "allowed" instead of "aloud."

the office, video of the day

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