this modern love breaks me

Sep 23, 2006 14:24

You know what's terribly frustrating? Dying your hair, and then having it turn out only a shade or two different than how you started. You know, the kind of change that you might notice. (I was trying to go a wee bit darker and redder, but instead ending up correcting my color to something a bit more natural. SIGH) BUT ANYWAY.

First, some things about television that were on during this past week:

L&O: Criminal Intent

I'm fairly sure that every moment of that episode was scored, even if it was just a single, subtle, eerie note during an interrogation scene. I think... I think I like the new style. I think! I'm reserving my judgment for a few weeks, but it definitely feels different than the traditional L&O mould (what's a good word for stereotypical cinematic style?). Considering that the franchise has been a bit unbalanced as of late, it's nice to see them trying to move away, towards some independence.

EAMES. OMG EAMES. AND BOBBY! OH. MAN. It was SO COOL that his seething rage and distraughtness and things of that nature were almost not scenery-chewing (it's Vincent D'Onofrio! I love the man, but, yeah). The part in Washington Square, when he's just yelling and yelling at Decklen and they're surrounded by cops but NO ONE IS STOPPING HIM, even though it looks like he might punch the guy in the face. Aww! NO ONE MESSES WITH EAMES.

Not to mention, the story itself wasn't all that complicated. I LOVED that!

I'm figuring, the next couple of Goren/Eames episodes are going to be chock full of Goren being in protective mode and Eames being all "BOBBY STOP I AM FINE" even though maybe she might not be and maybe he knows that. EEEEEEEE I LOVE THEM A LOT


The Office

My first viewing of this episode suffered from "skyhigh, never-to-be-fulfilled, ridiculously high expectations" syndrome. Hell, they could have opened with "AND THEN JIM AND PAM DROVE ALL THE WAY TO VEGAS AND GOT MARRIED AND HAD BABIES AND LOOK LET'S REJOIN THEM NOW" and I probably would have still been disappointed. It was all on me! So there was that. When Ryan was sitting in Jim's chair, my soul was CRUSHED; when Pam flashed back and Jim tried kissing her a second time and she said no, LOTS OF TINY ELVES DANCED ON THE PIECES OF MY BROKEN SOUL.

However. Second viewing = okay, that totally makes sense. Babies would have been too easy. Sex in the office, while AWESOME, would have been too easy. Pam saying no and Jim going to Stamford means we've got oodles of new conflict to resolve (Jim must return! Pam must tell him she didn't get married! They must decide what to do! Will Ryan be a temp again? How will Roy find out? WILL JIM AND ROY FIGHT IN A DOJO FOR PAM'S HONOR?). If Jim stayed and went out with Pam, there would be only one conflict: WHEN AND HOW WILL THEY BREAK UP? And that would be depressing.

Michael's storyline about Oscar being gay was so painful to watch and so uncomfortable, yet SO INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS. Literally, when he goes to kiss OScar, my roommate and I were howling and cackling. HOWLING AND CACKLING!

Also? Dwight chasing after Oscar for pushing Angela? ASDAKSJDHAKSDHAKJD. And Dwight's indulgent grin when Michael tells him to imagine Angela with another woman! LOLZ

(In my mind, next week's episode opens with Jim's Stamford boss on the phone with Michael, and they're discussing things, and Stamford!boss mentions the whole jell-o thing, and Michael outs Jim as the culprit? And there's a quick cut to Jim in an interview going, "Aaaaand that's how I got fired from the Stamford branch!" Also, because i LOVE THINKING ABOUT THIS... basically Pam finds out that Jim's coming back, and she decides to pick him up from the airport, not realizing that Michael ALSO has the same idea-- except he's decided to bring the entire office as a welcoming party? So Pam's there and she's waiting, and then there's Jim, and then they're MAKING OUT IN THE AIRPORT because she tells him she's not married-- AND THEN HERE COMES ALL OF DUNDER-MIFFLIN SCRANTON, WITH BALLOONS AND EVERYTHING. And everyone is shocked until Kevin just goes, "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice." See? I could totally write this show!)

My current favorite Jim/Pam song:
Bloc Party - Modern Love



Um. That was kind of awesome?

First of all, while they've been dropping hints for two and half seasons about the nature of Sheppard's transgression in Afghanistan, I thought it was GREAT TIMING that this aired right after the episode where we learned what exactly he did (went behind enemy lines against orders to rescue someone, only to have that person die); not that, you know, not that I think any of them would have had any doubts about it ANYWAY. (I guess we're supposed to just nod along with the writer's assertion that the SGC would just sit back and wait four days while A GENERAL, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, COULD BE DEAD? Um?) I also believe that if O'Neill wasn't there potentially dying (GEE I WONDER), the four of them would have busted out ANYWAY just to save their lovely city.

I was a bit wary about the fact that everyone accepted the Ancients as actual Ancients, given their experience THE LAST TIME they did that. I was half-expected the six-week revelation to be the fact that they were Replicators, too, and that everyone had been HUGE IDIOTS. Although I did enjoy Rodney's modification coming back to bite everyone in the ass.

Shallow observation: Weir's hair is no longer auburn or basically anything resembling red. Personally, I think it looks good? I'm a fan of that haircut. Also, who cares about McShep, JOHN AND LIZ WERE SO FLIRTING AT DINNER?

Things that happened during those six weeks we didn't see: UHH TEYLA AND RONON TOTALLY HAD SEX? Because, like, DUDE. I know he wants to be helpful and all, but A FARMER. Ronon is not a FARMER. Ronon KILLS THINGS and is on his own and, yeah, KILLS THINGS. (Also, aww, I love that it never seemed to be an issue that he'd stay behind with the Athosians. !!!!!!)

I really hope that Elizabeth gets a weapon in Part 2 because otherwise, um, I love her TO DEATH, but her presence on this trip is even more useless than Carson (at least he can doctor at people when they're hurt?). Perhaps they felt bad and knew they couldn't leave her behind on Earth. PLEASE LET HER SHOOT THINGS.



Secondly, it's been over a month since I've had Monsieur le Pomme, and I'm STILL finding little things to make me love him. For example, all the things that can be done by dragging, INCLUDING moving whole bits of text from one file to another! SO AMAZING. What I want to know, however, is how one goes about acquiring Freecell and Spider Solitaire for Mac. MUST HAVE. MUUUUSSSSTTTTTTT.

Am slowly giving myself over to everything Mac, too. Safari over Firefox (all I really miss moveable tabs; what I don't miss is Firefox crashing every 5.2 seconds); Gmail Notifier instead of setting Gmail as my homepage. Being diligent about keeping iCal updated (that's as much TIME MANAGEMENT as anything).

Thirdly, am starting to become IRRATIONALLY EXCITED for the return of BSG.

atlantis, the office, criminal intent, ep reaction

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