Brain switch currently in off-position

Jul 15, 2006 21:50

Things about Atlantis.

SGA: No Man's Land

I watch SGA with the same part of my brain that watches Doctor Who -- it's the handwavy, shallow part. (Although, really, DW is about 147% more likely to rip out my soul from time to time. I THINK WE HAVE ESTABLISHED THIS. BUT ANYWAY) The point is, this was me last night:

1. "Is that possible? I'm mean PHYSICS-ly possible, with the moving around in space while in hyperspace corridor which I'm assuming is fancy-non-Trek way of saying warp speed, which is fancy tv way of saying HOLE THROUGH SPACETIME? I... don't really think so. WHATEVER HANDWAVE."

(1a. Brain responds, "Kudos to being meta there about the possiblity for handwave, writers. And heh, John loves girls more than he loves Rodney's science. Heh Heh. Kudos.")

2. "Didn't they use the John Sheppard fakeout death last season premier, too? WHATEVER HANDWAVE"

Handwave for the win.

It's funny, though. If this were Battlestar Galactica, next week's scenario of unWraiths in prison camps would be a not so subtle dig at Guantanamo and George Bush. But since is Stargate, we won't have to worry about actual political commentaries of any kind. It's kind of refreshing.*

* Even though I could go on and on about issues with prisoners of war re: SGA. BUT I WILL SAVE FANDOM FROM THAT UNNECESSITY.


The ending seemed a bit... awkward, and I think it's because I'm so used to the Gates using a TBC as some uberdramatic DUN DUN DUN rather than a simple indication that the storyline will continue in some fashion into next week's episode. So I was very confused that it was more Farscape-style continuation rather than Gate-style, but luckily I had the SciFi promotions department to clear this worry right away with their promo: "IF THEY CAN MAKE IT OUT ALIVE" or whatever. Guys, that's lovely, but I really don't think half the cast is actually going to die. No, really, I'M SURE.

I was impressed that the story actually went so far as to confirm that Elizabeth made el crappo decisiono. Not that it wasn't abundantly clear to us, but it was nice that it was clear to people inside said fictional story as well. (You know?) Even though we know there won't be any serious reprecussions like getting fired or some such, since again, STARGATE. It was nice to kind of give Torri some stuff to act with! I was deathly afraid that she was going to be uberboring standing around the city center with her little headset.

Am I trying to say that I thought this episode was kind of good? I DON'T KNOW IF I AGREE WITH THAT OR NOT. It sure was pretty, though.

I GOT SO SCARED WHEN LORNE ALMOST DIED. I WAS LIKE "WTF YOU CAN'T KILL LORNE FANDOM WILL SEND BAGS OF DOGSHIT TO YOU IF YOU DO." Because I truly believe the fandom that has people with wings being gay together would send shit because Lorne died.

For the record, Ronon hates Michael a lot more than normal Wraith only because Michael personally tried to eat Teyla. (I hearted the fact that Ronon attempted to channel Sheppard's McKay-motivation tactics with his repetition of, "You'll think of something.")

In conclusion:

SECOND WEIR/SHEPPARD I-THOUGHT-YOU-WERE-DEAD-LET'S-HUG REUNION FOR THE WIN NEXT WEEK. I AM HOPING DEEPLY AND TRULY, especially since her actual belief in his demise is more drawn out this time. (asddsjhj i hope there is desperate clinging again!!!!!! /nutso)

I kind of zoned through most (ok, almost all of) Stargate mothership, noticing only that Claudia Black is extremely pretty yet again and she can still act quite well.

atlantis, ep reaction

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