I forget to mention this one part of "The Tower"
that I loved:
It has to be when the Tower guards are being mean to the poorinnocentoppressed villager, and Teyla and Ronon come out of their loveden to inspect what's going on and discover The Injustice Of It All, and Teyla... basically does nothing to stop her boyfriend from beating the shit out of them all. And then she's radioing whomever (Rodney?) about it and it's all "yeah, my boyfriend got into a fight. This could be bad!" except she's completely not surprised at all.
Yeah, that was awesome.
I stole this meme! But then I perverted it and actually removed the desperate-plea-for-comments portion because God knows when the DSL gods will shine on us again and also because I HATE DIAL UP but the sound of the keyboard on Mom's laptop is divine. Yes, I am weird.
I picked four fandoms that I could think of off the top of my head. If there's any that you're curious about! please ask. Have I mentioned how awesome it is to type on this computer?
1. The first character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
6. The character I would shag anytime
7. The character I'd want to be like
8. The character I'd slap
9. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise
Battlestar Galactica
1. I can't remember if it was Roslin or Kara; it was probably Kara, though, because this was literally my thought process: "Kara > Starbuck > Starbucks coffee > ooh shiny!". There is just something in the scene from the mini when she tells Lee about Zack and he yells at her about waiting until that moment tot share this information and she just presses her lips together and says it's the end of the world, Lee. GAH!
2. Six!! Seriously. Enough Star Trek + feminism instills in a person the need to automatically hate the female sexpot. Like, helloooooooooo Seven of Nine. Plus someone mentioned that Tricia Helfer was a former model, which of course produces the reaction "pfft! can't act for shit then." Except.... she can, she totally can. And FUCK she is hot. I mean. Boys are awesome?
3. I can't find myself liking Helo. He's attractive and he's fine, but I think he's also a douche and slightly dumb. That stands in the way of our love. That being said, if we get introduced to a side of Helo that's not dependent on Sharon - like, say, backstory with Kara and potentially Lee and Zack as well? - I would be willing to reassess.
4. Is anyone hated with the passion of a thousand blinding suns on this show? Maybe Ellen. I sort of like Ellen, in that evil has-a-blatantly-selfish-agenda sort of way. I actually ship Ellen/Zareck! Yeah, I know, it's kind of weird. I'm convinced that she was living on the Astral Queen for some time before "showing up" on... whatever ship they found her on. Yes! Ask me about it sometime.
5. I loved Galactica!Sharon ('Boomer,' I guess we can call her?), but find myself lukewarm on Caprica!Sharon. She's not overtly conflicted much, or else, I'm not buying the "I've abandoned the Cylons in favor of my child" act, if that's even what it is. I can't get a handle on her one way or another - and while that's not necessarly a bad thing, I'm also not sure if it's intentional or just bad acting :X.
6. ZOMG LEE. I have become such the fangirl lately.
9. It's really, really, really hard to choose between Kara/Lee and Roslin/Adama. I mean, like, REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD. So I pick... both.
10. I don't actually hate any pairings! Except for maybe Lee/Dee because a) rhyming never works; and b) holy random Batman!
SG: Atlantis
1. Elizabeth Weir, hands down. Partly because I loved her in the Stargate finale, when she was blonde and speaking Russian and slightly neurotic, and I was soooooooo happy to discover that though differently I still loved her as a brunette and a tag more grounded. I really do wish they would whip out Weir's Russian skillz again, though.
2. That prize goes to Teyla, because ZOMG how I despised the poor child at the beginning. Yet once the writers discovered that strong characters are made when they are something other than boring ethnic love interests for American military heroes, I. Was. In. Love. Teyla is AWESOME now, you guys. I regret killing her in my first two fics.
3. Err, yes, I can't really buy into the Fandom Worship of Love Monkey Doctor Rodney McKay. Maybe if I found David Hewlitt to be in any way physically attractive, but.......... guys, seriously, this man is hot? Really? Um. Okay?
4. Does anyone hate Weir? Or is it rather a complete ignorance of her because she is "an undeveloped character" or "boring"? Either way, I like her. In case you didn't notice.
5. I think the city of Atlantis itself needs to step up its role again! Helloooooo, city, please start doing random weird things that are in truth reacting to Sheppard's magical gene, mm'k? kthx.
6. ZOMG COLONEL JOHN SHEPPARD. Although I suspect it wouldn't be as good as I'm imagining it to be.
7. I think it would be awesome if I were Ronon. Come on, admit it, you could totally see me as Ronon.
8. I would slap Elizabeth Weir for thinking it would be a fantastic idea to bring your estranged boyfriend, whom you up and left for space exploring and alien hunting, to the Pegasus Galaxy. Yeah, that wasn't smart, and also he had terrible hair.
9. ZOMG SPARKY. The more you mock the name, the more I want to use it.
10. Certain aspects of Sheppard/McKay, because IN ACTUAL FACT! I am not completely opposed to said slash pairing. McShep from Rodney's POV, I can totally buy, but I have SUCH A HARD TIME believing John would be all kisses and love and boysex. I sort of have this image in my mind that John and Rodney would get drunk together! And then Rodney would try to kiss John! And John would be all weirded out and "DUDE what the hell kind of signals do you think I'm throwing out!"! And Rodney would be like "but all the women! That's just a cover, right?" and John would still be like "DUDE NO WTF"! And then everything would be weird and John would leave and they would never speak of it again because John is in fact not secretly gay. Anyway. If I ever wrote a fic that was boysex, that would probably be it.
1. Jaaaaaack, because I am a complete! lemming! and totally love the canon hero.
2. Err, Hurley? I guess? I dunno. I have loved everyone equally from day one.
3. SAWYER. Partially because I think he's a douche and not at all redeemed by his tragic past. Which is hilarious, because everyone else's tragic pasts have succeeded in redeeming their douche-y-ness in my eyes. I dunno, MAYBE IT'S THE ICKY GREASE DIRTY LOOK or something.
5. I miss crazy island not-very-good-at-people-skills Locke.
6. I don't think I would shag anyone until I determine if the hatch was also stocked with condoms and things of that nature! Which, like, it totally has to be, right? Granted, 108-minute-intervals doesn't leave a lot of time for decent shagging, but still! Two people who are supposedly alone in a hatch underground? With all that awesomely sexy 70s music? COME ON THIS IS A THREE-THOUSAND DOLLAR SUIT.
7. I would not want to be anyone, because me having to survive on an island does not sound like fun for anyone. Trust me.
9. Jack/Kate! Come on. The way she met him when they first crashed and then how she basically REFUSED TO LEAVE HIS SIDE for, like, the entire pilot. COMEON.
10. I really don't think Kate/Sawyer is anything beyond lust.
1. ZOMG IRINA DEREVKO. Like........ there are no words. I love! her! so! freaking! much! I love all the Derevkos, but I love IRINA the most.
2. Um, Nadia. I was all "pfft LAME CHARACTER AND PLOT DEVELOPMENT." But then she used my name as her alias and dahhhhhh of course I had to love her then. Oh and then she turned out to be sort of awesome. Mia Maestro is freaking gorgeous.
3. Sark! I mean. Don't get me wrong, he's fab and he's hot with his British accent, but I don't love and worship him and things of that nature.
4. Vaughn! Aww. Vaughn. You're sort of dead now and that's sucky because ZOMGFRENCH.
5. I so miss Rambaldi-crazed!Sloane. I'm sorry, but I just can't buy him as anything other than evil/selfish and I hate the show's many attempts to make us believe otherwise only to yank it away at the last minute when they realize that no one's buying it.
6. Michael Vaughn! As long as he was you know alive and not a corpse. Because that's gross.
7. Everyone wishes they could kick ass like Sydney Bristow. DON'T LIE EVERYONE WANTS TO.
8. I would like to slap Milo Rambaldi.
9. IRINA/JACK, SPYSEX THE FIRST GENERATION. Christ alive, they are so hot and so awesome despite the fact that she used to pretend she wasn't a KGB agent and he accidentally shot her in the head and she is A WANTED TERRORIST. But no, they are STILL in love and have the hots for each other and probably weren't just searching for Sydney when she was missing for two years if you catch my drift. ZOMG.
10. I guess I just really don't understand Syd/Sark! Like, at all. Doesn't she, like, hate him a lot on the show and stuff?