Dec 10, 2004 01:29

Dude, does Toby Ziegler know his ex-wife moved to the O.C.? And that Danny Concanon is moonlighting as a lawyer in NYC? DAAAAYYYYYYYYYYUM!

My icon is really hot. Seth is hot. And! turns out I really DO HAVE my own Seth Cohen, I found out today. SO there was no need to ask for one for Christmas. HUZZAH!

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the little baby Jesus - HOW MUCH MORE INCESTUOUS CAN THIS SHOW GET?! Also? INCEST YAY. Seriously, there are ten people in Newport and they all have lots of sex and babies and angst.

So if Ryan is making out with Seth's... *does the math* aunt? (ew?) does that mean Ryan just wants Seth? Oh wait, WE ALREADY KNOW HE DOES HAHAHAHA. Man, even I'm onto this slash. That's when you know the gay is obvious - when TAHLIA is rooting for it. Gah.

I so called the Lindsay/-Andi Wyatt affair lady (Rene?) connection the moment I saw Kathleen York. Good casting on their part, though. Oh? And Lindsay totally redeemed herself from last week with her toocuteomg Freudian slippers.

As if I need to say it anymore, but Seth? in that suit? *jumps him on the spot* Oh, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. And Ryan smoothly kissing Lindsay WHILE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES?! Come to New Brunswick? Please (Um, I shouldn't watch a show about lots of people making out with lots of other people when I'm in...this...mood...)

Next week: HOLY SHIT JULIE AND JIMMY!! I <3 the (recently divorced) incest, people.

Huh. Sam. You are sooooooo not convincing, hon. "You make me happy." Yeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhh, just keep telling yourself that.

WTF PEOPLE. FIVE MONTHS???!! *meep!* I am not lying to you when I say I had it pegged at a month. Tops. The flashback was just, guh. Loved, loved, loved, loved that it was Sam's POV, too.

Oh, man. What can I say? I go incoherent at the thought of that wee flashback. With the cuddling and the comfort and, just, yeah. You realize that after everything - the chemistry, the angst, the trading his life for hers, the Sam drunkenly hooking up with Martin and making us watch - we haven't seen them kiss. Once. It's like seeing a relationship, in reverse. Or something. They're so quiet and brooding and stolen glances and double-edged remarks and, just, WOW.

Well, okay. I think I'll buy that Martin maybe does make Sam happy. But if the bets were off and she had to choose? All her silent brooding at the Christmas party (and, of course, the shipper in me) doesn't think she'd go for the one who makes her happy. He's safe and all, but where's the fun in that anyway? From an audience standpoint, that is.

Honestly? When she walked up to him, I thought, "omg, dude, she's totally going to break up with him, isn't she?"

I think I just named my ship_manifesto essay: The end was just the beginning. SOTRUE.

(And they played the John Lennon song that should have been the episode title! HUZZAH!!)

without a trace

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