Dennis, our bar is in South Phily in a scary alley... we might as well call it "Rape Bar."

Jun 28, 2010 22:11


Tumblr is sucking out my soul (side note: Tumblr, I love you) (whatever, y'all, The New Yorker has a Tumblr now! so it's totally cool). I'm in a strange place, emotionally/real-life-wise, there are many things that are suddenly happening, and one of the casualties is that I can only think about the TV I've been watching since mid-May in rebloggable picspam form. I'm going to London for my birthday in October (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), SO THERE IS THAT. I do have thoughts on the finale of Doctor Who (spoiler: loved everything it chose to be), and I still feel like I might have something to say about LOST (haha, what a joke, like everything ever hasn't already been said).


I do truly adore my HIPSTERS IN SPACE more than breathing sometimes. Everything was perfect, I do not care haters to the left, River was awesome, Rory was awesome, RIVER IS AMY POND SHUT UP YOU GUYS, and yeah. I am in complete denial that this particular series is now over. Is it Christmas yet? Huh? Huh? HUH?! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaan the Christmas special really be in Egypt (IS THAT HOW RIVER MEETS THE DOCTOR FOR THE FIRST TIME, SHE IS NATURALLY AN ARCHAEOLOGIST - HOLY SHIT I THINK IT MIGHT BE?!?!?!?!?!)?



What else is news in my fandom world? Finished Justified S1; LOVED IT, WANT IT BACK ASAP. I finally tumbled sidewise into It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia this weekend. I finished Season 1 yesterday, and holy Jesus, where the hell has this show been my entire life, it is perfect and wholly inappropriate (read: AWESOME), and I think half of the fun might be playing the "I KNOW WHERE THAT IS!!!" game. (The cheesy Greek place we always go to on South Street is in the opening credits! I literally squealed with delight at that. Then again, how could you not, what with its ridiculously tacky fake Parthenon exterior.) Mostly I'm trying to force myself to read more. I'm halfway through The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (lol, which everyone else read like twenty years ago, YEAH I KNOW ALL RIGHT) - which is all right, I guess. I'm excited that now I can at least marginally appreciate this Nora Ephron one-off.

BONES: who even knows. Just come back to me, show, please. There were half a dozen prompts in ineffort's Lady Fest '10 that I wanted to write, and then just... couldn't. I don't know. I'm completely bored my own brain/thought process/muse at this point that I couldn't even rise to the occasion of your prompt, torigates, "one year later." This limbo is terrible! Everything I try is stale and useless! Just be back and new and save me from myself, show - seriously.

I've been watching the World Cup? I've surprised myself by not actually flaking out when the US got eliminated and instead watching Brazil-Chile on ESPN GameCast at my desk today? Who. The. Hell. Am. I.

Yeah, that's... pretty much all that is new with me lately. What's new with you, Soviet Livejournal?


Also going to a Red Sox/Yankees game in DA BRONX in August. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE heckling Boston fans is going to be so much more extra awesome when done in person. Yeah, suck on that, nerds.)

edit: I am the only person on the planet who does not really care about Harry Potter, I think. Not in a particularly mean-spirited "this is dumb! let's throw rocks and pout!" - no, I simply just... don't care. I read all the books once? They were good, I guess? HP fandom was definitely never ever ever for me, and I haven't even seen the last two (one?) (see?) movies yet. This must be what passive non-LOST persons felt like!

doctor who

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