jacob's magical island of love :(

May 23, 2010 10:28

Guyyyyyys. LOST is ending tonight, and that fact is making me feel feelings!

I think I finally understand what "nope! sorry! I do not want to watch the last episode because then it will be over!" feels like. LOST has been like an honest to God addiction (that I genuinely kicked there for a while back in Season 3). SURE. OKAY. I HELD OUT MY HOPES THERE THAT JACK AND KATE WERE THE ADAM AND EVE SKELETONS, LET US NOT KID OURSELVES IN THIS REGARD. But I have long since transitioned out of petty, stupid, meaningless, banal ship wars (who CARES). I love all of its characters - even Jack's stupid beard that one time, EVEN BAI LING (liking Bai Ling is hardcore; people who ~like Nikki and Paulo are the fandom equivalent of hipsters at this point). I've loved all of its pairings, all of its deaths, all of crazy insanity plot twists that sorry, if you think they actually sat down seven years ago and planned this out? Like an honest to God six-season plan? lol forever.

I've been very lucky to have found a group of people in fandom whom I can call friends, with lots of shows in common and some not and some small (British) niches, but... LOST has largely been our Constant. OUR DESMOND HUME, IF YOU WILL. So maybe no one has deep thoughts about it, and maybe nobody writes fic, but we're all sort of locked in and saying, "What the fuck is this about, also more please?" together. I will miss that, the collective wtf.

(PSA: Feeling abandoned? Jonesing for a "wtf?!" high? WATCH LIFE ON MARS AND ASHES TO ASHES FOR A QUICK FIX. /psa)

Someone told me recently that they had been holding off on LOST until the series was over, so they could watch it full stop. I felt a little bad for them. How strong do you think "Through the Looking Glass" holds up, in a vacuum? Sure, it's a seismic narrative shift from flashback to flash forward, one that the series benefits from INSANELY, but does it feel the same when you know there are X episode left? How much of that episode is wrapped up in that first live broadcast when you slowly start piecing together that Jack's phone isn't a prop error - IT'S BECAUSE THE FUTURE? It's like trying to describe the first day a Harry Potter novel came out - there's something, I don't know, tingly knowing you're reading the same words as 128,478,912,742 other people at this very moment (side note: gross exaggeration).

So... I will miss you, show. You were not always the prettiest girl at the dance, but you were the weirdest with an oddly compelling personality, and you stuck around even when I flaked out there for a while. As eolivet so rightly put, you were my starving artist boyfriend. Eventually I will move out, and ten years later I will have a good stable job and you are still selling your screenprints on the corner, looking homeless yet inexplicably so hot. At first, I'll think, "Seriously, self? What were those seven years of my life for even?" Then I will say, because I am now me.

You have no ending that will satisfy me. I knew it when Allison Janney showed up and the answer wasn't "because it's all a secret plan to fight inflation!" I didn't want to watch this show initially because its development made Alias suck. I gave in after 4 episodes ("Tahlia, it's a show about a plane crash on an island and also there are polar bears and possibly a dinosaur - want?"), and it's one of the few series I can say I've watched from (almost) beginning to end, in real time. Endings and answers aren't the point, and at this stage in the game, I almost feel bad for the people who hope they will be, too. MOSTLY I AM GOING TO MISS YOU, SHOW, EXISTING. AS YOU ARE. IN YOUR BIG CRAZY MESS OF WTF.


But also Vincent better fucking be in the finale, or I am going to be pissed.



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