I am the victim. Fight for ME.

Apr 19, 2009 18:36

"We have a personal relationship."

WHATEVER, DO NOT BE SURPRISED. This is a L&O: UK picspam post of a particular James/Alesha style (subtitle: Alesha, why so pretty and with so many pretty scarves?). Spoilers (I suppose!) throughout 1x07, if you count INTENSE LOOKING IN SCREENCAPS as spoilers. Which is to say, I specifically avoided actual plot points. And whatever: I will always ship the lawyers on a Law & Order franchise. IT IS INEVITABLE.

in chronological order.

JAMES: My wife once told me I was too pious for my own good... just before she threw a plate of toast at me.
ALESHA: You didn't do anything wrong.
JAMES: I was so intent on not giving Faruk favorable treatment, I went too far the other way.
ALESHA: It's a beautiful thing, hindsight. And totally useless. Nobody else understands - if we're not completely impartial, we're not doing our jobs.
JAMES: Does it ever annoy your boyfriend, that kind of thinking?
ALESHA: What boyfriend?
JAMES: I thought--.
ALESHA: James, really, that ended four months ago.
JAMES: Oh. Oh, God, I'm sorry. I am officially rubbish.
ALESHA: Mmhmm.

1. Freema Agyeman has a stunning profile, oh my goodness.
2. I love that it's both true that a) Matt Devlin has an unbelievable crush on Alesha; and b) Alesha and James have ~a particularly undefinable relationship~. I mean, for all Matt's "this is for Alesha!" in 1x07, it's James that she rips into when they can't make a case. I am the victim. Fight for ME. And he says, "Okay." OH YOU TWO.
3. If I were a betting sort of fellow, I'd say that the next episode back, as 1x08, was a remake of "Pro Se." WHAT SAY YOU, LIVEJOURNAL.

chung chung but with manners, picspam

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