(*responds today because last night I was fit only for capslock and drunky*)
IT'S AMAZING HOW ONE SCENE CAN COMPLETELY CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE BEFORE IT. If it had just ended with Adama sitting on the cliff, alone, I would have been mega disappointed, but in my own way I could have interpreted the happy ending as not so much of one. That last set of flashbacks - Ellen/Tigh, Lee/Kara, Laura kicking her student out of bed (GO LAURA, LOL, BTW) - were all tinged with... I don't know. THINGS WERE STILL A LITTLE MESSED UP. Ellen & Tigh were together, but clearly there were fundamentals in their marriage still unresolved. We see Lee who is genuinely in love with Kara, and in the end, he can't have her, forever and ever. There's Kara, who was probably in lust with Lee, and maybe is in love with him if she tried, but she doesn't want to try. AND LAURA. IN THE END, SHE HAS ONLY HER POLITICAL CAREER. ALSO SHE IS DEAD (EPIC SAD) So: not so happy.
Space Mom and Space Dad are married. I SOBBED.
(I... had to admire that Helo and Athena were sort of back exactly where they started, right down to Helo's bum knee. YOU KIDS SHOULD HAVE PROBABLY STAYED ON CAPRICA.)
IT'S AMAZING HOW ONE SCENE CAN COMPLETELY CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE BEFORE IT. If it had just ended with Adama sitting on the cliff, alone, I would have been mega disappointed, but in my own way I could have interpreted the happy ending as not so much of one. That last set of flashbacks - Ellen/Tigh, Lee/Kara, Laura kicking her student out of bed (GO LAURA, LOL, BTW) - were all tinged with... I don't know. THINGS WERE STILL A LITTLE MESSED UP. Ellen & Tigh were together, but clearly there were fundamentals in their marriage still unresolved. We see Lee who is genuinely in love with Kara, and in the end, he can't have her, forever and ever. There's Kara, who was probably in lust with Lee, and maybe is in love with him if she tried, but she doesn't want to try. AND LAURA. IN THE END, SHE HAS ONLY HER POLITICAL CAREER. ALSO SHE IS DEAD (EPIC SAD) So: not so happy.
Space Mom and Space Dad are married. I SOBBED.
(I... had to admire that Helo and Athena were sort of back exactly where they started, right down to Helo's bum knee. YOU KIDS SHOULD HAVE PROBABLY STAYED ON CAPRICA.)
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