[One-shot] The Different Like

Dec 20, 2010 23:25

Ryoda Malaysian Writer Comeback Orgy

Title: The different like
Author: dayenniez 
Pairing: RyoDa
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Fluff (typical me), angst (just a bit), Crack!
Summary: Sometimes, we just need to close our eyes and just do what our heart told us. Though we already know that it is forbidden.
Disclaimer: Ryo with Tatsuya is a perfect dream for me. Be it dry or wet.
A/N: Well, borrowing from  messykawaii @ messy-chan's words “writer’s block is my new BFF” so, I just could come out with this. I’m not satisfied, but do not have enough time to put on with another idea. (The truth is I am afraid of ayaryo @ aya-chan if couldn’t post it on time. Lol!) Please bear with this. And oh! This is our first orgy girls! Let’s have some fun! XD for messy-chan, happy earlier birthday!
Beta by: aibakaneesh dear, you help me a lot, thanks! XD

LJ told me that this post is too large while i posted it using the LJ cut. so I'm bothering you again my F-list because i am too lazy to fix anything or even to think about it. sorry~

“Didn’t you know?” He asked me that calming night when the winds shyly kissed his beautiful locks. How appealing he appeared to me, he doesn’t even know. I took three or four steps away from him, embracing my cold body alone. I could feel his eyes tracing every single step I took, waiting for my answer.

“I just didn’t want to know.” I tried to sound cool even my heart was pounding like mad. We were here to solve every little things that were bothering us, or maybe not. Maybe it was just bothering me. It was about the rumor that floated months ago. Apparently, it could be true because I heard from someone that Kobayashi-san wanted more that just a friendship with Tatsuya. The news made me go mad.  It was absolutely a horrible news!

I heard him chuckle, making me turn my head to look at him. He stopped hesitantly after received my glare. I’m not a girl, for God’s sake, but lately I’ve learned to act like one. I believed I learned it from him.

I heard him clear his throat.

“I didn’t make any decision yet… not that I need,” he spoke after that, more to himself, “Everyone thought that I’m going after her. She’s my best friend after all.”

“Then why don’t you just accept it?” I cut his words straight away. How could he say all those things with a smiling face? I felt like shouting, but managed to hold it back. I knew then that I had made a mistake. He was looking at me with his mysterious death glare. I’m a coward, I never had any courage to fight that look.  I turned my head to watch the waves in front of us. It was really cold here.

Even as I said everything that I wanted, without any hesitation, full of confidence, only god knows what kind of battle was taking place in my heart right now. Others saw me as a cool guy, I even infamous with my dokkun title. But what was I thinking when I talked with the guy behind me was definitely different from what I said or did. I love him. And no one knows about it. He knew it, but I’m not sure he believed me one-hundred percent.

Maybe he felt insecure… I should tell him straight away. Just like that. Maybe it’s the only way to confront him.

“Somehow I feel like you don’t know me at all…” I was jolted a bit when a pair of warm arms hugged me from behind.

“I really want to be with you, Ryo… I’ll be with you forever.  “And when death parts us, I hope I’ll still be with you in my other life”. I was sure I heard the winds continue his words… or… was that his heart’s signal telling me his real feeling?

“Hmmm…” I took a deep breath before I held his hand tenderly but tight enough and pulled him into my embrace. I knew he was shocked with my sudden action just now. We never have been like this before. True. I never make any moves on him before; even we always shared our free time together. It was hard to make any body contact with him, because of my bashful attitude. I knew he wanted more from me, I could feel it from his eyes. But he was sure to restrain himself from touching me. He wanted me to start it first and I didn’t know when the perfect time to take the next step in this relationship was. I hoped this is the perfect time.

He just stood still in my arms like he was afraid this moment will end if he made any moves. The scent of his hair made me felt really comfortable; to just being like this and I hope he was feeling the same.

Ueda Tatsuya.

He is the only man that I could ever fall in love with, and he was in my embrace right now. Thinking of that alone could make my heart pound even faster. I was sure he could hear my heart beating right now.

I never like any man before. I got so many guy friends, but the feeling never got the other way like I had for him.

He is special.


This is wrong.

I knew it from the start that I shouldn’t pursue this feeling. I couldn’t handle it, though. Every time I look at him, I urge to touch him or even to hold him. Let alone how many times I realized I was having a thought of his sexy face and body. Those were sins, and falling in love with him also forbidden. Why had it had turned this way?

“Tatsuya…” I took a deep breath.


“I think I might like you…” I felt relieved as I said the words to his ears. He was loosening the hug and those beautiful eyes of his were looking at me with indescribable feeling. I thought he’d blushed, just like me. But he was really beautiful when blushing like that. He hugged me again, much more tender than before. We stand like that for a few minutes before he pulled himself away again and was looked straight into my eyes.

“You said like..? Just like?”

“Yeah, I like you.” I thought I’d give my best answer to him, but why I saw he was frowning after that? He looked away and distances ourselves. I only could see his back from here.

“I thought you loved me… you’re just so… frustrating!” Oh no! Tatsuya was absolutely got the wrong idea. “I love you Ryo… if you don’t love me back, why does my heart tell me the other way?” A tinge of hurt could be heard in his voice.

“Hey! Baby, you got the wrong idea, here.” He was faced me abruptly. His eyes sparkling just like shining stars. Beautiful! I said deep down in my heart.

“I like you, but my like is not just like. It’s different from what you’d thought.” I tried to explain it to him.

“Then, what is it?” He asked.

“What is it what?” I was seriously confused.

“Your like… what is it? What kind is it?” he provoked me. Things that had been smoky were now clear. I didn’t know what his motivation was while asking me that question, but I felt really nervous. Didn’t he know it already? Or was he that innocent to ask such a question?

“Why aren’t you answering? So I really get the wrong idea all of this time... right?” He was making that look again, the sad one.

He should know me already. I was not preparing anything on this. I felt afraid to confess to him, yet ready to make an established relationship with him. Many things flew through my head. Why was he taking things so easily? Wasn’t he afraid that life will turn against us once we come out gay? I never have been a homo. I’m still a straight man right now (except my body did react for him). But the path that I wanted to take after this was really clear in front of me now.

“You know… Tatsuya…” I took his slender fingers and intertwined them with mine. “We are going to take the hardest path in our lives…” He furrowed his eyebrows a bit; maybe trying to understand what I was saying.

“I bet you knew this is forbidden…” I saw him lower his face, then kick some dirt by his shoes. We stood in silent for a moment. I just let him think what he wanted to. I knew he was playing with his emotions. This not a simple deal.

“Tatsuya…” I squeezed his right hand, which was still in mine, to make him turn his face to me. “We should heading home now, it’s getting colder here.” I wanted to give him more time to think on this, albeit I already decided myself. Slowly, I dragged him to the car.

I really wanted to know what he was thinking now but he kept on silent.

“Ryo, wait!” suddenly he stopped me. I looked at him with full attention; I never wanted to divide it on anything. Just for him for now. Full of hope.

“Ryo… I knew you love me… I can feel it… here” He said and putting our hands on his chest. “That’s the reason I kept closed the differences between us. That’s the reason I kept on accepting you all of this time.” He took a deep breath.

“At first I thought this is just an illusion, my heart keeps telling me that I’m wanting you more than just a friend. But after a lot of time I spent on thinking about this, about me and who I really want to be with, I knew this is my best choice.“

He hugged me gently after that. All the love he had for me… I could feel it with the warm hug and so I heard him whispered in my ear.

“If loving you is an unforgiving sin, then allows me just to live with it. I don’t care anymore. All I need for is you to be with me…”

I just tightened the embrace. It was really cold here, but I felt warm enough with the love that I’d gained.



“Then, I shall tell you what kind of like is my like… right?” This time he was smiling at me before he nodded his head. We are already at his apartment.

(Tatsuya: because he doesn’t want to go back to his home! *rolling eyes*)

“Yeah! Tell me what is it?” he asked. I got the green light? *smirked* so I pulled his body close to me. Oh… It’s getting hot here, but I’m still nervous!


He smelled good. I pulled his face nearer and once crashing our lips together for the very first time. It felt like heaven.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Four minutes.

*smack sound*

“Ouch! What the hell was that for?” Of course he hit me!

“Didn’t I say stop it? Couldn’t you hear it? Oh GOD… you’d just ruined up everything!”

What? When he said to stop it? Seriously I did not hear anything like that. He just pushed me, well… that didn’t mean he don’t like it right? What’s wrong with that kiss? It was hot! I even played with his tongue! *beaming*

“What ruined? You don’t like the kiss?” I asked.

“That was our first kiss you know!?” He looked unhappy.

“Of course I know! But what’s wrong with that?” he is okay isn’t it? Don’t tell me he don’t like doing that hot stuff! Oh no! Is he homophobic? *head shaking* no! Of course not when he was the one who made the first move.

Tatsuya sat on the couch. Making me followed what he was doing. I sat beside him.

“Shouldn’t the first kiss should be sweet and soft?” He said it while looking into my eyes. Just like a naïve boy.

“Should it? Why does it have to be like that?” I am so lost at the moment.

“I always dreamt of that. Like the one I did on the play.” I could see he was happy while saying that. So he was happy kissing that Kobayashi-san back then? *frowning*

“So you don’t like it?”

There was no answer.


“Not that I don’t like it. It was damn good! Plus I was doing it with you… but, still… I wanted it the other way, smooth and… just light.” He cut my words.

OMG! I didn’t know that he was this cute. So the pretty face not meant for nothing, it’s a good match for that cute part. *chuckle*

“You are really cute!” * pokes Tatsuya’s beautiful nose*

“Ryo, stop it! I’m not!” He denied.

“Yes you are!” In some ways, I didn’t know what I was feeling. I’m just glad.

I pulled him into my embrace. “We can try to make your dream come true in our second kiss. Can we?” I just wanted to taste that sweetness of his lips. Badly! He nodded. Yes! So we kissed just like the way he wanted it. Sweet and soft. Just like him.

“I was thinking of going to bed with you tonight.” He said to me after the kiss.

“What? Then, what are you waiting for? Let’s go, baby!” I’m happy right? *grin wider and wider*

“No! Not after that first kisses! Go and sleep by yourself, don’t ever get any idea of doing that tonight!” He said and walked through his bedroom door before closed it.



Hope you enjoy reading this. Comments are loves! XD

one-shot, genre: romance, nishikido ryo x ueda tatsuya

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