Not sure how I feel...

Jan 28, 2009 15:20

At this particular moment.  It's been one of those moments I've been waiting for as of late, and now that it's upon me, I'm so unsure and scared.

When is a good time to move to Ohio?  My parents just called to let me know about their income tax stuff, right as I was finishing my e-filing on my own.  Their plans are to let me call the shots, as I'm the one down here with the most to do, and only me.  I want to give work a months notice (technically only have to give 2 weeks, but I really, really, liked this place I'm at now, so I think I should be generous), and then go from there.  I'm aiming for probably the first of March, as the weather will be better in both places (I hope...right now Welston is having a ice storm...and yet, we're in the 40's and sunshining right now...), and that should give me a bit to clear up both bowling leagues (probably not the Fri league, as their year goes different than the Thursday, but it's the best I can do...they can mail me the money, if I truly win that award...), tie up business loose ends (avon...will have to get my current customers on direct delivery from company via my site, or assess extra charges for additional shipping), friendships and business at church, etc.

I'm excited.  I'm happy to be living with my family again.   I'm scared.  Not looking forward to job hunting up there.  I'm content.  Everything will be fine.  I'm unsure.  Exactly how fine can we get?

I've also got three ferrets to transport, and two cats.  Must call the vet for some kitty valum for Murphy...Woo I'm not expecting a problem, but Murphy gets in the carrier and two steps from the door has peed on himself and never stops howling.  The ferrets are all so old and fragile.  I'm terrified that the two day drive up there will be too much.  Any long distance travel tips from any ferret people?  They'll all be in the same carrier together, because they're pretty bonded.  Actually, any long distance tips for either specie would be good...last time we moved like this, we only had a dog...We would just stop every two hours to let Gizmo (a chihuahua) pee and poop, and go about our business.  Not sure how to move a cat...

I'm getting over a monster migraine right now.  I used a FMLA day for it this time instead of forcing myself to go in because I was throwing up with it yesterday, and woke up this morning with no vision in my right eye.  Took 3 toradols, 2 benedryls and went back to bed...haven't been up for long really.  Am feeling a bit better, but I hate having to dose up like that.  Trying to get the motivation to get dressed and go run to the grocery store to cash in all this change in the bottom of my bag, and pick up another potato (had a baked potato yesterday...was amazing...), but my energy is lacking right now.  Thought I had a dr pepper around here, but alas, need to purchase one of those too.  Maybe a little caffiene will help kick the edge off of the remanents.

Well, I guess I should hush and continue about my day as best I can... lots to do, think about, and currently no will power to do it in.
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