Mar 27, 2005 17:42
*HaPpY eAsTeR!*
just got home from my grandparents. we went to my other grandmas before that for the big easter egg hunt. usually me and my sister have our own because the big one is like for adults or w.e so this was the first year we were included. there were about 10 of us and there were 5 eggs with $20 each in them. so obviously not everyone got one. well first year and everything, guess who found a flipping egg!? me WOOHOO lol .. i really needed this money too. and then at my grandparents they gave me $10 i think and my aunt kathy, uncle peter, and aunt lori gave me $100 for prom expenses. i tried to give some back, i felt so bad. thats a lot of money. but they made me take it (really i tried). i feel bad but im SO glad because i really needed some money for prom and such. this will hopefully pay for almost my entire dress.
this weekend has been entirely unexciting. this vacation is lookin like its gonna suck. aside from shopping with the girlies on friday and michelle spontaneously sleeping over that nite, i havent really done anything. friday i was supposed to go out to eat after shopping and then go to work from 6-10 but i went in at 4 and skipped dinner cuz we desperately needed more pple, luke came in early too. it was insane. and we thought friday was bad. saturday luke and i worked from 1:30-10. it was HORRIBLE. we're marking it down as the worst day ever. it was crazy. we ran out of EVERYTHING. we had no whipped cream which goes on like half our things, we had one thing of milk left, barely any change for our drawers, the dip wasnt working good, the ice cream was way too soft, and at the end of the night, the ice cream stopped working (i called that one, luke is my witness). the back cooler was completely flooded so we had to mop that for like 20 mins. heres the only 2 amusements of my night that pretty much kept me from committing suicide lol
1) Luke turning on the blender without putting the lid on and then trying to catch the flying smoothie lol
2) Some guy orders a Brownie Earthquake and Luke asks if I need help with anything. I respond "Can you make my earthquake?" (i totally walked right into this one) Luke says "ooh I'll make your earth quake" I thoguht it was pretty funny lol.
so then some stupid guy yelled at me for supposedly being lazy and not doing anything and i wanted to punch him in his ugly face but i just said have a good night. ugh. so the ice cream like.. broke. whatever. friday we didnt get out till almost 11.. saturday wasnt as bad even tho i thoguht it would be. next friday i have to close alone with a new girl which is gonna suck cuz i had to learn hwo to close down the ice cream machines online from luke who got frustrated with me for getting confused (sry but thanks lol). thats gonna be a late nite. and then next saturday i gotta work 1:30-10 again. this sucks but i need money. ive got so much homework. i left my fricken math and green history book in school. hopefully if chris does the history he will let me copy cuz i let him have my english exam when he left it in school so idk. well that makes less homework for me cuz im stupid lol maybe i can get my math when i go in for practice on tuesday. hopefully i can hang out with andy tomorrow. we were sposed to saturday but then i found out i had to work all day and today hes working plus its easter and everything. wednesday is prom dress shopping with my mom and michelle and maybe michelles mom (this should be an interesting outing lol)
i'm thinking of actually starting homework now. maybe i'll write that stupid alien thing for physics. oh man that converstaion with lauren still cracks me up.
i got a new skirt when i went shopping with the ladies. its very eastery like it was made for easter or something. i wore it today cuz its easter lol. we had to stand in church and some little boy put his hand up my skirt. it scared the crap outta me lol. i think im gonna wear my easter outfit on the first day back from break cuz i really like it lol. today was the first day ive worn flipflops this year. AHH im so excited. flipflops=spring/summer. YESSS. ah i love spring and summer especially summer. YAY. :-)
i think im actually gonna work on homework now. funness. adios amigos.
something that made me smile today: something my dad said in church. i dont remember but i laughed for like 5 minutes adn then my mom yelled at me cuz all the little kids were looking at me and probably behaving 10 times better than me too lol oops.
ps. danielle biznotch i hope ur having fun in florida without me! i so could pass for your grandma lol. cya when u come home love you:)