Apr 02, 2005 19:56
I'm in this play at school. It's called "Working" which is an adaptation from the controversial novel by Studs Terkel. We rehearse about 20 hours a week, and that's a lot of time to spend with a small group of people. So you're either at eachothers throats near the end, or super close. We're superclose. Most people think Grace and I are gay. We're not, but I don't really care. It's amazing that I've become secure enough in who I am to stop caring about what people think. Sometimes I don't wear makeup to class. The other day I was running around in sweatpants (straight leg, no cuff, thank you) and a t shirt. Why should I care what people think?
The semester is coming to a close rather quickly. I cannot wait. I'm burned out. I totally bombed an algebra test, even after doing 5 straight hours of math the night before to prepare. Com Lit is getting to be a bit much. I have to read two novels simulataniously, which I'm not a fan of since I can't keep one novel straight to begin with. I've got to do a ten page paper on one of them. I was originally supposed to do a 15 minute presentation on the other one, but I switched with Tim and did a presentation on the first novel. I'm so glad I did. I'd be freaking out if I didn't. I've got next semester pretty much set up. I've got to enroll in a 9 week internet course for a pre-requisit for one of the classes, but since I got Dr. Corty's seal of approval, I'm confident it will all work out.
I'm trying to get in the habit of writing a couple of times a week (or month). But that will be it for now, since I've got an assload of reading to do.