Ah, recollections

May 13, 2009 13:23

Some crazy days have passed. I don't remember blogging soon, so I will just take a minor recap. Friday and Saturday were the busiest days I will ever see in my career, when virtually every room in the hotel was filled and we had full capacity. We had a 220 group from Romania on to celebrate their highschool prom in a hotel. The first day I spend my whole shift preparing for their arrival and after that registering all of them. The next night I had graveyard shift and had to watch them as they partied all in the lobby as their dancre floor.

Needless to say I was very tired and pretty much snoozed through Sunday, but before that I rode in a stranger's car because I didn't want to wait for the bus, which was stupid, but still I didn't get ripped with 2 bucks for a bus ticket. I never saw a more pedantic and law abiding driver in the universe. He was within speed limit all the time and always signaled, when was moving through lanes and I was stunned. Where does Mother Nature take out these good looking, mild tempered and patient men? I am still sad that nothing X-rated happened though to be honest due to fatigue and hormones I wasn't thinking straight, not that I am good at it by default but still.

Sunday I snoozed...

Monday I studied 6-7 hours for law test on Tuesday, which melted my brain matter as a whole and I almost fell asleep during macroeconomics. I also showered before going it was an extra sleep condition.

So. The Tuesday from Hell came and went and I actually had to laugh way hard, because nothing quite as stressful happened than I anticipated. I totally nailed my English presentation at the student conference and received quite the bit of enthusiastic applause opposed to the obligated applause other received before me. I also get 30 bucks and in my country you can buy quite a lot with those money, so it's a win win. :) The test in English didn't went so well, but the test in Law was a breeze and we all passed with maximum score. This means we will most certainly pass the exam with the 40 points from 100 gained with that test. Yey!

busy, are you serious?

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