May 03, 2009 21:10
Why does mister Murphy takes such strong delight in torturing me? Am I that entertaining squirming from discomfort and panic? Yesterday was my first night shift and I had to stay there 16 hours, 4 additional, in order to learn to operate everything. The wireless for the whole lobby was down and since everybody here is a student in college they need the Internet for research, so it was major whine from everybody. After that a whole football team came and though they were all major eye candy they seemed technically advanced and demanded they have Internet as well for their laptops... Well they had none... I wasn't popular, but became so when I agreed to put though Serbian folk music as lobby music after 3 am or so. Yey for me. :)
Anyways I manage to get off the shift still functional, catch a 7 hour sleep and after that things went down hill for today/tonight/ already tomorrow [?] I had my mother make me breakfast/dinner [?] and then the door to where all the food and my grandparents living quarters [they are at the summer villa right now tending the vegetable garden] got busted. The door just didn't want to open even though it was unlocked. Turns out the small metal thingie that slides in broke off and just stayed there, which meant no food and no getting, unless the door meets its utter destruction. I had to leave for night shift again, so I don't know what my mom did to get things with the door get going.
Already here and from peace and tranquility the hotel [named Clover and having a four-leaved clover as symbol] turns into chaos. The already fixed wireless for the lobby fails. My programs fail. All because the server went down and the boss took the key with her... Guess who starts moaning? At the same time electricity fails on around 13% of the hotel, which means no cable TV for the north side and this night a big soccer game was on. Do you catch where this is going? Nevertheless everything gets fixed and now I can quietly exist knowing that 4 hours have passed in the night shift and I can relax... I also learned one thing. "Las Vegas" lies in how hotel life is fun for all working people involved. This is so much stress in one place and I also learned two major things about me: 1) I am scared of talking to people and 2) Being a figure of authority is something I am not good at. Hah! I just started the job I am most unqualified for, but I take it as a blessing, because life is a huge hotel. You are between the hammer and the anvil, you are always wrong and people expect you to handle 10000 things at once, grow a backbone and yet still be obidient. So I take this nerve wrecking voyage into summer knowing that I will grow in character via interaction with people, but I doubt I will ever ever ever do that again...
i hate my life right now,