Yesterday was a very long and interesting day. I never really got to start the day at the airport, which at the time being looked like a cemetery and then end it on isolated bench in the park with a deck of tarot cards, but I guess there is a first time for everything. But here is how it really went down.
My good friend Y. had to travel back to Germany, since her time off and training at the hospital had ended, plus she has an exam today. My other friend S. [Y. best friend before I became friends with S.] asked in a matter of fact when the flight was and upon hearing 10 o’clock in the morning, S. did the math and insisted me coming with her to the airport so that we can surprise Y. in the last minute before her flight. Punctuality and the buses were on our side, but universal timing wasn’t. Upon arrival we found the airport abandoned. No people what so ever, anywhere at all and the lights were off. Naturally we call Y. and ask “What gives?” As it turns out Y. was going to be on the airport at 10 and not that her flight was at 10 am in the morning… So me and S. sat down for one hour in the cold dark cemetery airport and used the one pen and paper the best way we could: aka we fucked around with the 80s. One hour and two cold hungry butts later we had the fateful surprise, surprise and we talked and saw Y. safely on her flight to Germany.
After that I tried to get as much work as possible done, which was quite disappointing, since all I managed to do was announce a book release, fix an announcement, since they messed up something and wanted a different cover and write only two poems. I had to since I was in those contests for quite a while on a reserve and needed to finally post something. Then I struggled with a sonnet I have been writing since January and still made it on one stanza. I hate rewriting poetry, but damn it if I am gonna let Shakespeare sneer in my face. The time wasting came from watching an anime and I forgot that I was to write a short piece of prose for the Deadline Dames contest hosted by the lovely relliott4.
The evening was strange, since I introduced my tarot reading couple [S. from the airport and her BF V.] to my friend D. [who lost her dad, her best friend and her grandparents in the manner of six months and needed a bit of hope] and had a two hour tarot reading session to see what the future is going to be for D. Right now things are not really looking up, but in the end there is salvation. S. and V. speculate that there might be some jinx or an ill intent at work and when they say that, then I totally believe them, since they are known as the power couple in my dictionary. I believe that there are people connected somehow to the world and have an understanding of the forces that surround the material world. I write fantasy fiction after all and I am open to these concepts.
Anyways I will try to write today. Wish me luck! :)