Oh boy, did all of this happen to me? my my my

Mar 10, 2009 09:11

Monday was a day I never thought would end. I have no idea why, but after 6 o’clock p.m. I felt like I was in a sauna. It wasn’t a fever, but just feeling hot like sitting near a fire place or furnace and you begin to sweat and you can’t think straight. What can I say? I am a magnet for surreal experiences, but this was the reason to keep me from blogging yesterday and I begin to feel this past comfort from sharing my thoughts in this journal.

Yesterday was eventful, so to say. I thought that libraries were superior to the Internet, but I was gravely mistaken. My partner and I for the sociology assignment spent a whole hour in the library searching for an article about this world champion in some sort of Asian kick box, who is born in our city, but nothing. Type the words, the date and the name and viola you have around four articles, which are enough for us to write 10 lines, though I still think it will be quite hard to fabricate 10 lines for a sport activity, but I am a fiction writer. Something will come up.

Then I get the best surprise in my life. Turns out my Macroeconomics work-out class professor, who taught the same work-out class first semester but in Microeconomics, appointed me as the representative of the two groups 69 and 70 for a presentation for a project, which has a to do with the whole array of 72 first year groups. It is a contest for research about the economic crisis and the 3 winners get the nice prizes: so many points your head will explode and you won’t need to study to study for the exam at all, but yeah, it is very subjective. I think I can pull it off. My teacher says I have analytical thinking and have a shot at it.

On a writing note I wrote 1K yesterday! So proud and hope to continue with this winning streak. *grin* I also sent off “Tinted Windows” to a magazine: “The Future Fire” and it has been so long since I did, I even forgot the term ‘query letter’. Can you imagine? I called it submission text in front of a writer friend and I think I freaked him out, but this is what happens, when you try to think, when you are so hot. Anyways I am posting the query here for all to witness and comment. If you have something constructive to say, please do. I am begging.


I have come across “The Future Fire” on Duotrope Digest and think that my urban fantasy short story "Tinted Windows" finished at 7,135 words would be a fitting addition to your magazine.

The manuscript has been attached and formatted according to your guidelines, but they didn’t say whether a personal bio is to be sent off or not. But to be on the safe side I will include a short one within this e-mail.

My name is Harry Markov and literature has always been a constant in my life. Currently I have a short story published with a small time electronic publisher “Mystic Moon Press” and two flash stories in the British magazine "Twisted Tongue" in their issue for August 2007. At the time being I am also a reviewer for three fantasy and sci-fi review blogs.

All the best,
Harry Markov

query, life, randomness, university torture

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