Writer in Reality-Land [aka why is everything so friggin' hard aka rant]

Feb 19, 2009 20:39

Ah, so horribly long without blogging damn it. I have been hoping around like a mad dog from task to task or frustration to frustration to be able to blog today… I feel like crap, a zombie, but I have to speak already. Damn.

First I had to deal with the crazy neighborhood dog, which decided two months ago it calling was to howl, growl, whine and whimper all in once. This performance extended throughout the 24 hours the day had. At the same time I had a case of very light sleep and my mom from insomnia, so the TV noise at 1 o’clock and barking kept me up. This only increased my foul temper and sloth. Not much done during my free time, which I regret.

Then my Internet crashed and the reconnected for 10 minutes and crashed again. I phoned, when it became unbearable. I really have no idea, why I wait these problems to solve themselves. Turns out I needed a new modem, since the network has been upgraded and my old one couldn’t keep up with the speed. Right now I am in heaven, but before I finished with my computer and issue in protection occurred and friend fixed that as well.

The weekend was supposed to be productive as well as Monday and Tuesday, but guess who got the flu… I am still sick. My throat is a bit swollen and I sound like a burly travestite on steroids, who sings Prince [to elaborate the metaphor, one second I am deep and then I squeal] On top of everything I started school and well real life has gotten extra busy and strange as it may sound I have more things done with half my day eaten then when I was at home. Why the fuck does that happen?

rant, life, randomness, sick

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