Meh... Crud and I hoped it would be easy-breezy

Jan 07, 2009 07:49

Oh well, my little challenge-experience to fill the calendar from start to finish failed miserably, but life is like that. Things come up, you get tired, you wanna do something and when you start your gut feeling propels into stone walls. That was my mood yesterday and couldn’t finish anything apart from “Seaborn”. Coolest novel ever!! You simply have to read it. It easily topped my urban fantasy top list.

Okay, so time for a small fill-in. Monday was first exam day. We had microeconomics and this was the guillotine exam… 90% don’t pass, which threw everybody in neurotic rash about it. Needless to say I did pass the exams with a C, which is quite a modest way to do it, but seriously some aspects were rather puzzling for me to remember properly. Fact is I passed, so big breath of relief, even though my teacher on the practical aspects said that in her eyes I didn’t do well at all. But screw her, I am not a sick perfectionist, just a mild case of it and know that I can’t be the best at all.

That day I was rather sleepy, because I couldn’t sleep until 2 and had to get up at 6 am, so I zigzagged like a zombie through the day and hoped Tuesday will be a bit different. Sadly it wasn’t, since my uncle, who is also our neighbor decided that he had to take the bus to nutty land. He is in the middle of a divorce as well and still loves the [censored] for God knows what reasons and since he has the alcoholic streak in his blood, you get a lot of nocturne bullshit going around. Monday night turned into a “Greatest Hit Concert” blaring through the walls from midnight to 3 am with that man hammering and shouting. I wanted to call the police, since uncle or not uncle, when you are a freaking asshole and danger to yourself and those around you, the jailhouse is for you. But no, that would be the wrong thing to do according to my family…

Anyways mix those too days and you get a writer, who has forgotten how to reconnect with his stories. I announced 2009 as the year for short fiction, since I have way too many short stories and novellas to deal with, plus I wanted to plan and change my novels in a tight plan before I start revising and practice on the deed of editing as well. “Grey Stilettos” is the first one in the list and I have issues with getting past the first paragraph. Getting a real, 3D character that sounds genuine is hard to do and especially, when the character is 180 degrees different and out of this world. And you thought whores were easy, shame on you people. Portraying one in a state of lust catharsis is one pain in the back. But we shall see whether I can conquer it.

PS: Art is "100 Bullets" by Devilpig

writer block, blah, crap

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