NaNoWriMo: Success

Dec 01, 2008 12:37

November has passed and with it the threat and burden of NaNoWriMo is over with. I am also quite proud to say that it was a success. 50, 000 words in 30 days, when all in all I slacked for 12, which makes 50 K in 18 days quite a spectacular feat. I signed up to see whether I could do this and I was pretty tempted by the idea to finish two novels a year, so yeah I got my two check boxes filled. The whole ordeal with NaNoWriMo taught me that an idea with no particular shape thought on the spur October 31st can grow to be a novel force to reckon with, well after the revisions. Second most important thing is that my focus has sharpened and daily 2, 500 words are a walk in the park, compared to 1,000 words being a mind burner in the early 2008. I never expected such sudden growth from myself, which is always a good thing, since before NaNoWriMo I was like “So I will start this short story now and I will probably have finished it +3 years from now”. No more from that…

The only thing that bothers me is the title. I think “Opium Delirium” is too tongue twisting, so I will run to “Music Box of Birch and Innocence”, but that is too long and kind of works like a six word synopsis of what goes on in the story. The end result is a strange cocktail of sleazy erotica, magic realism, mainstream, art for art’s sake and highly spiritual in terms of problems with the identity and human relationships on their basic level. It still has some filler scenes to tie up some of the place, but all in all it is finished. So until my exams pass I will be concentrated on some small fiction.

Now as the update post progresses I will make some mention of my life, you know the real life and etcetera.

November 28th marked the day the official divorce came to be between my mother and father. It is a bittersweet experience, because for one my father has decided to hover around like a stalking shadow and ruin whatever joy my mother has left. Christmas won’t be so merry after all, but there are legal ways to solve our problems with that attitude of his. It is just a bit emotionally draining on that end note.

I am currently a bit sick with some kind of mid-way sinus infection in the making for loss of anything better to explain it. I have had sinusitis, while I was in 7th grade and since then it hasn’t poked around so much, but you know the sudden shifts in weather can definitely push the mucus and phlegm buttons. It is imperative to be in shape for the 8th of December.

I would also like to say a belated Happy Thanksgiving to my darling American friends. I hope they have had an amazing time. I am looking forward to the 8th of December, which is the official Day of the College Student. In Bulgaria all the groups host their own private party and we booked a great 5 star hotel for a night, which is all I need. College is working out fine. Better than expected. So far I am picking up the necessary points here and there to get past the exams, which are still unannounced. Grr. Anyways December is the month of all the bad tests, so who knows how I will survive that one.

life, nanowrimo, writing

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