Medical Verdict: Yes.. You are a mutant. The worst kind... with no time perception

Oct 15, 2008 22:58

Am I the only one, who thinks that days roll a lot faster than they used? I can’t place my finger on why, but I feel like time traveling with hours. It feels minutes and suddenly it 11 pm and I am not even on full mode yet. The university was a bust today. Had two lectures, one at 9:25 till 11:00 am and then from 17:15 to 19:00. Two trips back and forth, but this was just the tip of the cherry. Somehow I managed to rewind my clock one hour before the actual time and arrive on my second lecture one hour late. There goes the answer why I had to wait for the bus for 45 min. My watch showed a different time.

I got to editing today and yesterday night. As it turns out with the gender issues, POV issues and purely plot decisions, most of what I have written up to the end of the Morgantown mini Apocalypse will have to rewritten. Basically I am writing instead of editing and then editing the next day what I wrote anew. The main question is whether to leave the story 1st person or afterwards change it to 3rd person deep. With 1st person I would definitely avoid character confusion once two women come up in a scene. With 3rd I would be able to explore more characters, which is a great plus for the subplots that have to roll out.

One thing is for sure. I will name my chapters and the first chapter has the working title “Prey and Halberds”. Sometime along the way something way smarter will pop up, so for now this will be it. Here is a slight tease. Comments are appreciated and stylistic approach is definitely needed:

“I breathed fully trying to catch the smell of decay, no matter how much it muddied my head. I already had Melissa’s keys in my hand. Opening the door would slow me down unnecessary, leaving the perfect opening. Right, Sammy, know your facts and you will be safe. You’ve read more about this thing, than it probably knows about itself. Leaves and undergrowth rustled as I zigzagged around the path in the park towards the back of the museum. Where there were no lights. It was getting harder and harder to breathe or move and it had nothing to do with the shallow wound. The trees grew thinner and farther away from each other. It was a matter of time, before she had to dash to the alley. Then its stench came in the air. It was here and under pressure it could be fast. Very fast.”

Here is my to-do-list for Temple Library Reviews. Currently this is Day 3 of Comic Book Week and I am still going unnoticed, so I will contact some blogs on comic books and see whether any announcements on their sites would help me. The post is about “Marvel Zombies” and if there is anyone curious, do visit.

Thursday: Runaways
Friday: Hack/Slash
Saturday: Fray
Sunday: X-Men Phoenix Warsong & Comic Book News + Guest blog by CE Murphy regarding her new career as a comic book writer.

October 25th will mark the guest blog by Gail Z.Martin as she goes on her “Days of the Dead” blog tour promoting her Necromancer chronicles. So this is pretty much it in a nutshell.

forged in blood, chaos, temple library reviews, writing

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