Car Crash Prone... "Hello, is this the car morgue? Oh, hi Billy . Yeah, it's me again."

Jun 09, 2008 20:07

Oh, life is this deceiving dance of tango. You make one step forward and you feel so shiny and squeaky and then come the two steps back with a twirl and bang shit happens. So it was the very bad idea of my mom to help me overcome my fear of cars and teach me how to drive. I have this fear of sitting behind the wheel and driving, even though I have had a license for like a year now I don’t drive. Scared shitless. However I was stupid enough to say yes and thirty seconds later I banged the car into another car. Thank God it was parked and the impact was minimal with some shallow damage, but still it’s gonna cost money and well I think I have to pay this stupidity of mine. My mom was very supportive as I was one inch from fainting. I ain’t joking when I say I have a phobia of driving, I have no idea how I survived work. My dad seems to take it a bit more patiently as well, mainly because it’s my mom’s car and all. He is pissed that we have no money and have to pay and that my mom decided to succumb me to driving. All of this could have been avoided if I have said “NO”, but how can you refuse your mother. Nobody can! Especially, when you still live with her.

Anyways off to job related drama. My boss, who is this Neurotic Wreck for the Planet of Unorderly Chaos, decided to change my functions in the office and have me do transfers, which as she explains is responsible because “If you make a mistake, we can only find out way too late and many people will be left with no transport”. Worse is that my new desk is in her room, next to her and god dam it her voice gives me headaches. I am so gonna whine about this one. Good thing is that she is out of the office pretty much of the time and I am isolated, so nobody can spy on me, when I decide to read some blogs. Muahaha…

Now for the fun stuff: It’s “Random Movie Week” at my review blog Temple Library Reviews. Each day I will post a review of a randomly chosen movie that I really liked. So my Monday choice for this week is the enchanting French musical “Love Songs”.

i hate my life right now

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