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Aug 12, 2005 08:09

well lets see whats been going on. nothing really. yes it is a very boring life that i lead during the summer. especially living out here in what i like to call "the sticks". work is going alright. i mean it sux workin these 8hour days.. 40 hours a week. is this what i have to look forward to when i leave school?!?! atleast i got 2 maybe 2 1/2 more years at goodl ol FSC. speakin of FSC.. 18 more days still we go back!! yaaaaaay! i am so excited to see everyone.. well maybe not everyone.. haha! i just wanna get back there and be with my girlies.

i went to roomies beach last weekend. that was a blast. i really needed to see her. we talk through email at work and on teh phone but its different.. ah i love her! hehe. we talkin about goin to school and everything.. ahh cant friggen wait.

the boy & i are doing terrrific. i love a him soo much. i'm goin there this weekend. yay! thats what we do you know. ok ok enough with that.

i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. the best feeling in the world is right when they put you off to la la land. it felt soo good i didn't wanna wake up. omg and those perks where my new best friend. except i fee l like a pharmacy cuz she gave me like 3 perscriptions of different medicine. hmmmm. i swear this month is like the month to see every living doctor that i have. next thursday i go back to check the teeth, have my contacts fitting (hopefully i can wear them again) and then i have to have an abdominal ultrasound.. sounds like fun huh? anyone wanna switch places?

btw, i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my WHORE!! :) :)
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