site of the month + site awards + affiliate update

Sep 01, 2011 13:38

Originally published at daydreaming. You can comment here or there.

Well, too much time had passed in August before I was able to get a new site of the month up and it seemed unfair to let my chosen site have a shortened span of recognition so I just decided to wait. And this time around, for the month of September, I (of course! always!) have another great site for you, Brinneydee Designs. This chick makes some really lovely arts and also some fantastic and useful textures, as well as other goodies. And there is A LOT of textures. A wide variety. So it would be wise to head over there and check out all that super cool content, okay? I feel pretty confident that you will find yourself returning there.

» 3 new site awards! What insanity! Thank you all for the sweet and kind words and lovely awards and I am so happy you like to visit the site and enjoy all it has to offer. It’s a labor of love, my darlings! :p Thank you:,, and!

» 2 new top affiliates. I also did a much needed affiliate check and a good 10 or so links were removed. Contact me if yours was one of them and should not have been.

features, www

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