since alex decided to have a girlfriends application on his, why don't i check out my offers as well. too bad that this is friends only and i have like what maybe 4 guys who are all taken, i think. do it anyways for fun. i made it public. for laughs. so go for it!
boyfriend application )
Age: 17
What’s your AIM or AOL name: i have 100
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: hazel
Height: 5'7"?
Weight: 180 something
Tattoos: On each of my guns... which don't exist.
Piercings: nope
Drink: no
Smoke: no
Any other drugs: no
Would you care if I did drugs: yes
Would you care if I drank: not too much... but a little
Are you a virgin: yes
Do you have sex: obviously not
(if so) How often: all the time
Is sex all your looking for: no
Do you have any STD's: yeah. Knoppix Security Tools Distrobution.
Would you kiss me anytime: for sure
Anywhere: yes
Do you like to cuddle: yes
How much: a bunch
Have you ever been cheated on: no
Would you cheat on me: no
Have you ever cheated on someone: well, considering i've never had a girlfriend before...
List your top 3 bands:
1. Metallica
2. Led Zepplin
3. Godsmack
Top 3 movies:
1. Starsky and Hutch
2. Star Wars
3. Star Trek
Do you like to party: definately, but probably not the way you do
What if I wanted to stay home and watch a movie with you: i'm all for it. i don't know how much of the movie i'd see though...
What if I wanted to kiss you in the rain: YES
Are you spontaneous: thats what i'm all about
Willing to try new things: yes, totally
Do you like your picture taken: not really
Do you drive: yes
Go to school: unfortunately
Would you hold my hand as we walk through the mall: yes, its easier without flowers and candy... hehe
Would you push me up against a wall and kiss me: yes!
What about random Kisses: totally
Would you sleep over my house and hold me all night: ok
Will you only call me beautiful if you mean it: yes.
Would you ever lie to me: not about much- i might bend the truth to protect your feelings, but not about anything you need to know
What do you think of:
Cats: i LOVE them
Big Dogs: medium is better
Messy rooms: thats where i live!
Playing in the rain: all for it
Showers completely clothed: its random. i love it.
Just hanging out doing nothing: thats whta i live for
Talking on the phone for hours: yes, but i'm not a good talker
Talking about completely useless and random things for hours: thats what i do
Why did you fill this out: because you're my girlfriend and i'm trying to secure the position!
How bad do you want to go out with me: bad enough to actually do it!
Would you leave me because I don’t have a car: no, lol
Would you leave me because my dad and stepmother are insane: no
Do you have a crush on me: i hope so
Would you think bout me 25/8: well, considering how thats not possible, no... but close!
Anything else you want to let me know: PLEASE consider me heavily for this position. I think i'm Insiya material!
i'll get back to you on my decision. this is one hell of a close race. i can tell you that.
insiya f. poonawala (i can't believe i had to say what my middle name was)
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