Aug 12, 2003 16:33
shes from braintree. MA.
oh thats me.
i dont get a roommate. what am i gonna do?
so, i make a list.
~i dont get to meet anyone ahead of time
~i have to bring everything myself
~im gonna be stuck in my room by myself
~im gonna have to try harder to meet new people
~my own space
~more space
~dont have to hang out with "her friendS"
~can go to bed whenever i want
~have an extra bed for company
~dont have to have the "weird girl" as a roommate
yup, there are better pros. maybe this wont be too bad.
i just hope they wont spring a roomy on me the first day of school, and we'd both have like, a crap load of stuff cuz we both thought we'd have a single.
oh yeah, im in hamden. the one i didnt want. gah.
really lookin forward to this now.