(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 17:11

Lazy boys piss me off. If you like me, call me, make plans with me. It's as simple as that. And I don't mean make plans to meet up with me at some random party where you can get me liquored up and make out with me. I mean real plans, like where you make the effort to make plans in advance and pick me up and hold my hand. Chatting online doesn't count either. If I wanted a virtual boyfriend I could go to seventeenmag.com and adopt one (yes they have that and its the dumbest thing I've ever heard of). Being really really shy or really really busy is so not an acceptable excuse. You're lazy because you're cute and for alot of girls, thats enough so you've never had to work at getting a girl before so you expect it to always be that way. Omg, lazy boys are so0o0o annoying. I know so many its ridiculous. Get over yourselves, please!
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