who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Elyse
who was the last person you talked to in person? my mom
who was the last person you talked to online? morgan
who was the last person you hung out with? callie
who was the last person you saw in person? my sister
who was the last person you took a picture with? i have no idea
who was the last person you danced with? mara when i was teaching her how to waltz
what was the last thing you ate? cheese cake
what was the last thing you drank? water
what was the last thing you did? was grumpy
what was the last place you went? charter oak *gak*
what was the last movie you saw? anchorman
what was your last phone-call about? tim's partayyy
what was your last Instant Message about? morgan's life (aka making playlists)
where did you go yesterday? school, doctor, band concert
where are your parents? going to bed
where do you keep your diary? i dont have one
where are you at now? basement
where were you last week? home, school, athlete's edge, etc. (can't remember... too... tired...)
where were you the day 9-11 accured? school
where do most of your relatives live? US (all over)
when was the last time you showered? this morning
when was the last time you updated xanga? like months ago
when was the last time you hung out with your cousin? christmas
when was the last time you took a bath? ski season some time
when was the last time you brushed your teeth? this morning
when was the last time you were at the mall? AGES ago. I honestly can't remember.
when was the last time you were absent? again, ages ago. I hate it.
why are you taking this survey? I'm bored.
why are you online? I'm fighting tiredness
why did 9-11 happen? people are mean
why did they invent pencils? to poke people with *WAH-TOWWWWWWWWWWW*
why are most things made in China? because it's less expensive to pay for laborers there
why are there such things as "magnets"? because of magnetic fields and natural stuff
why did they come up with school? an education is valuble, young grasshopper.
how old are you? 15
how many siblings do you have? brats. 2.
how many rooms are in your house? *refuses to count*
how many pets do you have? reever my lovely
how many TV's do you have? 3
how many computers do u have? 4
how many friends do you have? thousands. i love you all!
I'm tired. French is stupid. I like being annoying in French class. Can you believe that I actually got Pomp and Circumstance out of my head!?